Repertorium Auctorum Polemicorum

The Repertorium Auctorum Polemicorum (RAP) is the first complete inventory of writings dedicated to the relationship between Byzantine and Latin Christianity. It includes every literary genre and every topic of discussion that is related to the evolution of the relationship between the western and eastern parts of the Church, today identified as Catholic Church and Orthodox Church (dir. A. Bucossi & M.-H. Blanchet).

Access the Repertorium Auctorum Polemicorum

NB: During the 5th Session of the Bogomil Seminar, organised by the Ceraneum of the University of Łódź in Poland on 14 October 2022 and dedicated to the theme « Polemical Literature in Byzantium and the Slavic World », Alessandra Bucossi and Marie-Hélène Blanchet have presented the RAP project. Their lecture is available on the Ceraneum’s Youtube channel.

Les manuscrits de l’IFEB

IFEB 49, f. IVv © IRHT
IFEB 49, f. IVv © IRHT

Le fonds des manuscrits de l’Institut français des études byzantines, assemblé principalement à Istanbul à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle par des prêtres assomptionnistes, comporte à ce jour 57 manuscrits grecs et 17 dans d’autres langues. Conservés à l’Institut catholique de Paris, ils ont été numérisés par l’IRHT avec l’appui du Laboratoire d’excellence RESMED. Après avoir été décrits dans un article collectif (A. Binggeli, M. Cassin, V. Kontouma) ils sont désormais entièrement disponibles en ligne dans la Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM). Cette aventure de numérisation est également racontée dans ce billet de l’IRHT (M. Cassin).

Le papyrus dans tous ses états

L’expositon Le papyrus dans tous ses États, de Cléopâtre à Clovis s’est tenue au Collège de France à l’automne 2021 et est désormais disponible virtuellement en ligne. Vous pouvez la visiter ici ou en cliquant sur l’image.

Maréva U

Docteure en Histoire de l’art et archéologie du monde byzantin et post-byzantin (EPHE – PSL)
UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée


Parution du Livre des Cérémonies (2020)







avec la collaboration de Michel Stavrou

L’histoire médiévale vient de connaître un accomplissement remarquable : l’édition avec commentaire du recueil connu sous le titre conventionnel de De cerimoniis, ou Livre des Cérémonies, pierre angulaire pour notre connaissance de la société byzantine, de son gouvernement, de son administration, de sa vie festive, séculière et religieuse, que domine la figure de l’empereur byzantin qui, de son palais à la cathédrale Sainte-Sophie ou aux Saints-Apôtres, déambule dans Constantinople, ville merveille qui éblouissait les contemporains d’Orient et d’Occident. 

Cette entreprise d’inventaire et de restauration des rituels byzantins fut lancée au milieu du 10e s. par un souverain lettré, Constantin VII, figure de proue de la renaissance intellectuelle byzantine dite macédonienne, dont le règne s’étend de 913 à 959. Le recueil regroupait les protocoles du cérémonial de la cour impériale : le Livre I présente les cérémonies religieuses de l’année liturgique, mais aussi les cérémonies civiles comme les promotions de fonctionnaires ou les courses de chars ; le Livre II, légèrement postérieur, complète le Livre I,  mais s’élargit à la diplomatie, avec en particulier les grandes réceptions d’ambassadeurs arabes, ou de la princesse russe Olga. Son intérêt ne se limite pas au 10e siècle, les cérémoniaux anciens qui sont recopiés formant une série qui commence aux 5e et 6e siècles. Furent ajoutés des chapitres fascinants, qui s’écartent du thème du recueil et nous livrent les comptes financiers d’expéditions militaires récentes en Syrie, en Italie et en Crète, qu’édite Constantin Zuckerman (École pratique des Hautes Études). 

Comme presque toutes les traces directes de l’administration byzantine du Moyen Âge central ont disparu, le De cerimoniis, préservé dans deux manuscrits, dont un palimpseste peu exploitable, est le seul texte à nous placer au cœur du pouvoir et de sa représentation, et dans la durée ; une bonne partie des protocoles remonte en fait à Michel III (842-847), le dernier empereur de la dynastie d’Amorium au milieu du 9e s., ou même aux Isauriens iconoclastes du VIIIe s., et le texte intègre plusieurs couches d’annotations. Il reproduit de longs extraits du recueil de Pierre le Patrice, maître des offices sous Justinien au 6e s., dont traite Denis Feissel (CNRS et École pratique des Hautes Études), et manifeste ainsi le fort lien de continuité entre la civilisation byzantine et celle de l’antiquité romaine tardive. 

Le texte, d’abord édité par Johan Jacob Reiske (1716-1774), dont le travail est repris dans le Corpus de Bonn (1829), puis, incomplètement, par Albert Vogt (1935-1939), réclamait depuis longtemps une réédition complète, mais la complexité philologique et historique du dossier épouvantait à juste titre. Il fallut plus de 30 ans pour que ce grand chantier scientifique de la byzantinologie française, lancé par Gilbert Dagron (1932-2015) au Collège de France, aboutisse sous la direction de Bernard Flusin (Sorbonne Université et École pratique des Hautes Études) à cet édifice imposant de près de 3 000 pages, en 5 tomes et 6 volumes. 

Comprenant l’original grec, rendu accessible au plus grand nombre par une traduction intégrale en français, d’abondants commentaires, un glossaire et des index, ce nouvel outil marque une date pour les études byzantines et suscitera, tant sa richesse est séminale, des études neuves non seulement dans le champ byzantin, mais aussi de la part de médiévistes d’Occident qui s’intéressent au pouvoir impérial et plus largement de ceux qu’interroge l’héritage européen de Byzance.

Olivier Delouis

Voir le site de l’éditeur


Byzantine News, Issue 17: March 2019

Byzantine News

Issue 17, March 2019

Editors: Sergei Mariev (Munich / Mainz) and Annick Peters-Custot (Nantes)

Ricarda Schier (Munich, editorial assistance), Panagiotis Kanelatos (Athens, IT and design)

Table of Contents

*Please notice that the links in the Table of Contents section of this newsletter are not supported by every mail client across all platforms and may not work properly on your system.*

We welcome submissions from National Committees of the AIEB, Commissions of the AIEB, universities, scholarly and research institutions, museums, libraries, galleries, as well as individual scholars at any stages of their careers as well as members of the general public interested in scholarly research on Byzantium and its heritage. 

Please refer to the submission instructions in the footer of this newsletter. Thank you for your submissions! –The editors.



At The Met Fifth Avenue
MARCH 18-JUNE 23, 2019

Exhibition Overview
For over three centuries, the territories and trading networks of the Middle East were contested between the Roman and Parthian Empires (ca. 100 B.C.-A.D. 250), yet across the region life was not defined by these two superpowers alone. Local cultural and religious traditions flourished, and sculptures, wall paintings, jewelry, and other objects reveal how ancient identities were expressed through art. Featuring 190 works from museums in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, this exhibition will follow a journey along the great incense and silk routes that connected cities in southwestern Arabia, Nabataea, Judaea, Syria, and Mesopotamia, making the region a center of global trade. Several of the archaeological sites featured, including Palmyra, Dura-Europos, and Hatra, have been damaged in recent years by deliberate destruction and looting, and the exhibition will also examine these events and responses to them.

The exhibition is made possible by Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman.
Additional support is provided by the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund and the Ruddock Foundation for the Arts.
The catalogue is made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Paleologan reflections in the art of Cyprus (1261-1489) / Παλαιολόγειες αντανακλάσεις στην τέχνη της Κύπρου (1261-1489)
Hall of Temporary Exhibitions of the Byzantine Museum of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation.
DATES: 30 January – 30 July 2019
Following the celebration of the “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation and Cyprus Tourism Organization present the thematic exhibition “Palaeologan Reflections in the Art of Cyprus (1261-1489)”. The exhibition aims to highlight the impact of Constantinople laying emphasis on the leading role of the Palaeologan art in Latin-occupied Cyprus. It illustrates the evolution of the technique and style of the icons produced during the Latin Rule from 1261 to 1489 in the context of the new sociohistorical and politico-religious circumstances that prevailed on the island throughout that period.     
The exhibition serves as a continuation of its forerunner “Κυπριακώ τω τρόπω – Maniera Cypria” (Jan. 2017-Jan. 28, 2018). Through the research of the collected material and monuments with mural decoration it becomes manifest that during the 13th century, but also over the ensuing two centuries, the art of Cyprus, even though it reproduces the style of the 12th century, simultaneously imports into the island the high art of the Palaeologues. The new style, the so-called “Palaeologan Renaissance” is marked by the effort to depict the psychological disposition and the volume of the figures, the modelling of faces with gradual transition of tones, the harmonious combination of brilliant colours and the soft modelling of the garments’ drapery.
For the purposes of the exhibition more than 50 works of religious art (icons, wall paintings, manuscripts and artefacts of minor arts) have been put together that reflect the transplant of this new tendency in style of the Capital to the island, whereas at the same time influences from the West are also documented. The works on display come from the collections of the Byzantine Museum of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation, the Archbishopric district, the Holy Bishopric of Limassol and the Holy Monastery of Saint Neophytos at Tala in Paphos. 
The exhibition is accompanied by an illustrated bilingual (Greek – English) catalogue with contributions by the professors of byzantine studies and scholars Michele Bacci, Dimitrios Triantaphyllopoulos, Charalambos Chotzakoglou, Elizabeth Yota, Chrysovalantis Kyriacou, Christodoulos Chatizichristodoulou, Andreas Jakovljevic and Ioannis Eliades, who curated the exhibition and edited the catalogue. The museographical design of the exhibition was undertaken by the architect Spyros Nasainas.
Με την ολοκλήρωση του «Ευρωπαϊκού Έτους Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς 2018», το Ίδρυμα Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ΄ και ο Κυπριακός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού παρουσιάζουν τη θεματική έκθεση «Παλαιολόγειες αντανακλάσεις στην τέχνη της Κύπρου (1261-1489)». Η έκθεση προβάλλει την ακτινοβολία της Κωνσταντινούπολης και καταδεικνύει τον ηγεμονικό ρόλο της παλαιολόγειας τέχνης στο περιβάλλον της φραγκοκρατούμενης Κύπρου. Παρουσιάζεται η εξέλιξη της τεχνικής και της τεχνοτροπίας των εικόνων της Λατινοκρατίας από το 1261 έως το 1489, στο νέο πλαίσιο των ιστορικo-κοινωνικών και πολιτικo-θρησκευτικών συνθηκών που επικρατούσαν στο νησί τη συγκεκριμένη περίοδο.
Η εν λόγω έκθεση αποτελεί συνέχεια της αντίστοιχης, με τίτλο «Κυπριακώ τω τρόπω – Maniera Cypria» (Βυζαντινό Μουσείο Ιδρύματος Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ΄: Ιαν. 2017-28 Ιαν. 2018). Μέσα από την έρευνα του συγκεντρωθέντος υλικού, καθώς και των τοιχογραφημένων μνημείων, γίνεται σαφές πως, τόσο κατά τον 13ο αιώνα όσο και κατά τους δύο επόμενους, η τέχνη της Κύπρου, ενώ επαναλαμβάνει την τεχνοτροπία του 12ου αιώνα, ταυτόχρονα μεταλαμπαδεύει στο νησί την υψηλή τέχνη των Παλαιολόγων. Η νέα τεχνοτροπία, η «παλαιολόγειος Αναγέννηση», χαρακτηρίζεται από την προσπάθεια για απόδοση της ψυχολογικής διάθεσης και των όγκων των μορφών, το πλάσιμο των προσώπων με βαθμιαία εξασθενούμενους τόνους, τον αρμονικό συνδυασμό λαμπερών χρωμάτων και το μαλακό πλάσιμο των πτυχώσεων των ενδυμάτων.  
Για τους σκοπούς της έκθεσης έχουν συγκεντρωθεί πέραν των 50 έργων θρησκευτικής τέχνης (εικόνες, τοιχογραφίες, χειρόγραφα και έργα μικροτεχνίας), στα οποία αποτυπώνεται η μεταφύτευση της νέας τεχνοτροπικής τάσης της Βασιλεύουσας στο νησί, ενώ παράλληλα καταγράφονται και επιρροές από τη Δύση. Τα έργα που εκτίθενται προέρχονται από τις συλλογές του Βυζαντινού Μουσείου του Ιδρύματος Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ΄, την Αρχιεπισκοπική περιφέρεια, την Ιερά Μητρόπολη Λεμεσού και την Ιερά Μονή Οσίου Νεοφύτου στην Τάλα της Πάφου.
Την έκθεση συνοδεύει δίγλωσσος (ελληνικά-αγγλικά) εικονογραφημένος κατάλογος, στον οποίο γράφουν οι βυζαντινολόγοι πανεπιστημιακοί και ερευνητές Michele Bacci, Δημήτριος Τριανταφυλλόπουλος, Χαράλαμπος Χοτζάκογλου, Ελισάβετ Γιώτα, Χρυσοβαλάντης Κυριάκου, Χριστόδουλος Χατζηχριστοδούλου, Ανδρέας Γιακόβλεβιτς και Ιωάννης Ηλιάδης, ο οποίος επιμελήθηκε την έκθεση και τον κατάλογο. Στη μουσειολογική μελέτη της έκθεσης συνέβαλε ο αρχιτέκτονας Σπύρος Νάσαινας.
Βyzantine Museum and Art Galleries, Archbishop Makarios III Foundation,
Arch. Kyprianos sqr.,  Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel. +357 22430 008, Fax. +357 22430 667,
Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:30 / Saturday 09:00-13:00
Valatades Monastery Thessaloniki

A total 21 rare holy icons created in Thessaloniki during the Byzantine era will be exhibited. They belong to the Vlatades Monastery and the Metropolises of Thessaloniki, Neapolis and Stavroupolis, Veria, Naoussis, and the City of Thessaloniki. The six-month exhibition is entitled “Our Beauty”. They are pilgrimage and emblematic icons from many temples that are adored by the faithful.

Address: Patriarchal Foundation for Patristic Studies, Vlatades Monastery, Eptapirgiou 64, Thessaloniki 546 34, Greece /


(Congresses, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Schools, etc.)



Dr. Krystina KUBINA 
IMAFO, Abteilung Byzanzanzforschung, Wien 

Liebe, Spott, Magie. Das Idyll des Maximos Planudes 

Maximos Planudes ist wohlbekannt als Kenner der antiken Literatur und als Universalgelehrter, der ernsten wissenschaftlichen Forschungen  nachging. Wenig bekannt  ist seine  leichte, spielerische Seite. Planudes hat ein Gedicht in 270 Hexametern im Gewand eines antiken Idylls hinterlassen. Ein  Bauer erzaehlt einem anderen, dass er auf der Suche nach einem neuen Rind einem Magier begegnet sei, der Kunde geben koenne darueber, was die antiken Goetter gerade taten, und der ihm statt eines Rindes eine verzauberte Maus verkauft habe, die seinen Haushalt zerstoerte. So vielgestaltig wie der Plot sind die Referenzen auf antike Autoren: Im Idyll treffen Theokrit, Lukian und Tiergeschichten aufeinander und werden von Planudes zu einem kunstvollen Ganzen verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist ein humorvoller Text, dessen Witz sich nur dem erschliesst, der die gelehrten Anspielungen versteht.
Im  Vortrag  werden  die  literarische  Gestaltung  und  das  Verhaeltnis  von  Planudes  zu  seinen Hypotexten dargestellt. Zudem wird das zugleich unterhaltsame wie lehrreiche Gedicht in seinen Rezeptionskontext gesetzt und das Bild von Planudes als strengem Gelehrten infrage gestellt. 

Ort: Institut fuer Byzantinistik und Neograezistik der Universitaet Wien 
1010 Wien, Postgasse 7, 1. Stiege, 3. Stock 
Zeit: Montag, 25. Maerz 2019, 18:30 Uhr
20th Australasian Association for Byzantine Studies Conference
DATES: July 19-21, 2019
VENUE: Macquarie University, Sydney

Announcement of the 20th Australasian Association for Byzantine Studies Conference – Dissidence and Persecution in Byzantium – Macquarie University, Sydney, July 19-21, 2019.


L’invention des anges dans l’Antiquité tardive, théologie et esthétique
22 mars 2019 à 10 h 00 min-17 h 30 min

Atelier du projet :
The Making of Angels in Late Antiquity, Theology and Aesthetics
L’invention des anges dans l’Antiquité tardive, théologie et esthétique
Projet ALATA Marie Słodowska-Curie IF 2017 n°793760

Inscription obligatoire avant le 18/03/2019 (places limitées, cf. infra pour contacter l’organisatrice)

10h-11h Le projet européen ALATA dans le cadre du Labex RESMED
Présidente : Béatrice CASEAU (Sorbonne-RESMED)
Intervenante :
Delphine LAURITZEN (Sorbonne-RESMED)
— Présentation du projet ALATA
— Présentation de l’atelier

11h-12h30 Thème 1 : Réflexion sur les Humanités Numériques dans la perspective de la constitution de la base de données textes/images ALATA
Intervenants :
— Julien CURIE (Sorbonne-RESMED)
Pause déjeuner

14h-15h30 Thème 2 : Préparation du colloque international ALATA prévu au printemps 2020
« Ré-inventer les anges dans l’Antiquité tardive : conception, représentation, perception »
Intervenants :
— Delphine LAURITZEN (Sorbonne-RESMED) Ligne directrice et organisation du colloque
— Madeleine SCOPELLO (CNRS-EPHE) Anges et Gnose
— Luc BRISSON (CNRS-Centre Jean Pépin) Anges et Néoplatonisme

16h-17h Thème 2 (suite et fin)
Présidente : Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet (CNRS-RESMED)
Intervenants :
— Anne BOUD’HORS (CNRS-IRHT) Les anges en Copte
— Komait ABDALLAH (Paris I) L’archéologie des anges

17h-17h30 Discussion finale et conclusions

Date: 22 mars 2019 
Heure: 10 h 00 min-17 h 30 min

Delphine Lauritzen
Maison de la Recherche
28 rue Serpente
Paris, 75006 France
Sergei Mariev – Intellectual Life in Byzantium and in the West (1438/39 – 1469): For whom did Bessarion compose his main philosophical work, the “In Calumniatorem Platonis”?

21 mars 2019 à 17 h 00 min-19 h 00 min

De l’Université de Munich
Séminaire « Histoire de la période paléologue (1261-1453) »

Date: 21 mars 2019 
Heure: 17 h 00 min-19 h 00 min
Marie-Hélène Blanchet
Raúl Estangüi Gómez
IRBIMMA – Esc. B, 4e étage salle H305
17, rue de la Sorbonne
Paris, 75005 France


Les Homélies de Grégoire de Nazianze
Cycle de conférences « Trésors de Richelieu »

Exemplaire célèbre de la « collection liturgique » des homélies de Grégoire de Nazianze, une sélection des seize discours lus dans la liturgie de l’office de l’aurore (orthros), le manuscrit Grec 550 de la BnF se distingue par son illustration au style d’une richesse inouïe: miniatures a’ pleine page, frontispices sur fond or accompagnes de représentations d’animaux et de scènes de la vie quotidienne, initiales aux motifs extrêmement varies font de ce manuscrit de luxe un témoin unique de l’art du temps des Comnenes. Néanmoins le lieu d’exécution du manuscrit fait encore débat: s’agit-il d’un produit de la capitale de l’empire ou d’une œuvre d’un atelier de l’Orient byzantin, voire de l’Italie du Sud, où le manuscrit est attesté dans la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle?


Jannic Durand (Musee du Louvre),
Christian Foerstel (BnF)

Perceptions et représentations des frontières et des espaces frontaliers au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne (IXe–XVIIIe siècles)

Université d’été du 21 au 24 mai 2019, à l’IHA, organisée par Maximilian Groß et Robert Friedrich (IHA) en coopération avec Christophe Duhamelle (EHESS), Rainer Babel, Rolf Große (IHA) et Sven Jaros (université de Leipzig)

For further Information:

Atelier dirigé par Javier Arce, professeur émérite, Archéologie romaine
Dominic Moreau, maître de conférences, Antiquité tardive
du 3 octobre 2018 au 3 avril 2019, de 17h à 18h30 salle E1.01 (sauf indication contraire)
(il est à noter que certains thèmes pourraient changer en fonction de l’avancement des travaux)
27 février – Conférencier invité (à déterminer)
6 mars – Parallélismes: Constantinople chrétienne et Rome chrétienne (1ère partie) – D. Moreau
13 mars – Parallélismes: Constantinople chrétienne et Rome chrétienne (2e partie) – D. Moreau
20 mars– L’ambiguïté de l’iconographie chrétienne – J. Arce et D. Moreau
27 mars – Conférencier invité (à déterminer)
3 avril – Conclusions: l’Antiquité tardive fut-elle un monde avant tout chrétien? – J. Arce et D. Moreau

For further information:


Cours et séminaire de Jean-Luc Fournet (chaire « Culture écrite de l’Antiquité tardive et papyrologie byzantine », Collège de France)

– Cours « Le calame et la croix : la christianisation de l’écrit et le sort de la culture classique dans l’Antiquité tardive »
(tous les mercredis de 11h à 12h du 6 février au 17 avril 2019 sauf le mercredi 27 février, Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé – Marcelin Berthelot)

– Séminaire (tous les jeudis de 15h30 à 17h du 7 février au 18 avril 2019 sauf le jeudi 28 février, Salle 1 – Marcelin Berthelot)

Séance du 21 février: conference d’Alberto Camplani (Université La Sapienza), « Lettres épicopales en grec et en copte (IIIe-VIIe siècles) »
Seance du 7 mars: conference de Korshi Dosoo (Universite’ de Wurtzbourg), « Christianisme et papyrus magiques »
Séance du 11 avril: conférence de Manfred Kraus, « La christianisation des progymnasmata byzantins »
Les autres séances seront consacrées à l’étude de papyrus (notamment un poème inédit du VIe s.)
Lieu: Paris, Collège de France, 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, 75231

Additional information about scholarly events in France in the field of Byzantine Studies can be found under this link:



Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Seminar: Constantinople and the Provinces (7th to 12th centuries).

Postgraduate Program « The world of Byzantium: History and Archaeology » of the the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Section of Byzantine Research of the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation organize for spring semester the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Seminar «Nikos Oikonomides».

Organizers: Katerina Nikolaou, Anastasia Drandaki and Maria Leontsini

For further information click here.

Late Antique Textualities, January 2–5, 2020, Society for Classical Studies, Sponsored by the Society for Late Antiquity, Organizer: Colin Whiting, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
In Latin, textus can mean a piece of weaving. Late antiquity is well thought of as a text or a collocation of texts in which many strands are woven together— strands of the old (the Classical past, old genres, persisting aspects of material culture) and strands of the new (Christianity, new or hybridized written genres, new or hybridized elements in material culture or the built environment). At the meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Washington, D.C., January 2–5, 2020, the Society for Late Antiquity will sponsor a session on the various textualities in late antiquity.
We are looking for papers on textuality in either written texts or material culture. Papers can consider issues of textuality in late-ancient written texts, e.g., language, intertextuality with prior written texts (pagan or Christian), or even genre. Potential panelists could also propose papers that consider textuality in material culture or the built environment, e.g., aesthetics, building styles, or methods that weave together old and new. We also encourage prospective panelists to construe the term textuality broadly and propose papers that transcend and/or question the options enumerated here.
Abstracts for papers requiring a maximum of 20 minutes to deliver should be sent no later than February 23, 2019 by email attachment to Colin Whiting at All submissions will be judged anonymously by two referees. Prospective panelists must be members in good standing of the SCS at the time of submission and must include their membership number in the cover letter accompanying their abstract. Please follow the SCS’s instructions for the format of individual abstracts: The submission of an abstract represents a commitment to attend the 2020 meeting should the abstract be accepted. No papers will be read in absentia and the SLA is unable to provide funding for travel to Washington, D.C.

International Byzantine Greek Summer School, Trinity College Dublin, 14 July – 10 August 2019
The Department of Classics at Trinity College Dublin is delighted to welcome back the International Byzantine Greek Summer School (IBGSS) in July–August 2019. This well-established course, directed by Dr Anthony Hirst in Belfast, Birmingham and Dublin since 2002, teaches Byzantine Greek at Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced level and allows early learners to engage with original medieval and late antique Greek texts from the start.
Course dates:
Level 1 Beginners: 14–27 July 2019
Level 2/2.5 Intermediate: 28 July – 10 August 2019
Level 3 Advanced Reading: 28 July – 10 August 2019
 Further information:
Please complete and return the form at

  • Deadline: 12 April 2019
  • Course fee: €450/two weeks
  • Accommodation: can be booked on application to the course at €400/two weeks
  • A limited number of student bursaries are available for this course



Università degli Studi di Roma « Tor Vergata »
Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’arte


Venerdì 5 aprile 2019

h. 11,00 Antonio ROLLO (Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli « L’Orientale »)
I Graeca di Svetonio fra tradizione manoscritta ed edizioni a stampa

h. 12,00 Chiara GAZZINI (dottoranda, XXXII ciclo) Tra retorica e politica: l’Antica e la Nuova Roma nella lettera di Manuele Crisolora al nipote Giovanni

Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia – Edif. B, Sala Riunioni del I piano
Via Columbia 1, 00133 Roma




Teatro Caio Melisso – Spazio Carla Fendi
Ore 10,30 – Discorso inaugurale: AGOSTINO PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, Ritmi e dinamiche del sapere scientifico nell’Alto Medioevo

Nella sede dell’Albornoz Palace Hotel, Viale G.Matteotti, 16, Spoleto
Le cosmologie tra antichita’ tarda e alto medioevo
Ore 15,30 – Lezione LETTIERI, Cosmologie protocristiane e patristiche dagli gnostici valentiniani ad Agostino
Ore 16,15 – Lezione OBRIST, Portee et limites de la cosmologie du Haut Moyen Age
Ore 17,15 – Lezione STEVENS, Descriptive Models of Earth and Sky
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, LETTIERI, OBRIST, STEVENS


Il lascito scientifico del passato 
Ore 9,00 – Lezione ZITO, Mirabilia e medicina nella letteratura neoplatonica 
Ore 9,45 – Lezione FARINELLI, La concezione dell’Universo da Macrobio a Marziano Capella 
Ore 10,45 – Lezione GUILLAUMIN, Quelques marques de l’influence de l’Institution Arithmetique de Boèce au Moyen Âge (IXe-XIIIe siècles) 
Ore 11,30 – Discussione sulle lezioni ZITO, FARINELLI, GUILLAUMIN 
Ore 15,30 – Lezione GANDOLFO, Scienza e tecnica del costruire: dall’eredità di Vitruvio agli apporti interculturali 
Ore 16,15 – Lezione PALMIERI, Il galenismo alessandrino in Italia tra antichità tarda e alto medioevo 
Ore 17,15 – Lezione WARNTJES, Computus – The Mechanics of Lunar Calendars and the Modes of Calculating Easter, AD 400-1100 
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni GANDOLFO, PALMIERI, WARNTJES


Saperi e strumenti: Occidente, Bisanzio, Mondo arabo 
Ore 9,00 – Lezione JUSTE, Astrology in Western Europe, 500-1150 A.D 
Ore 9,45 – Lezione GAUTIER DALCHÉ, Cartes et représentations géographiques 
Ore 10,45 – Lezione DUFOSSÉ, Théories optiques dans les mondes latin et byzantin: convergences et divergences (IVe-XIIe siècles) 
Ore 11,30 – Discussione sulle lezioni JUSTE, GAUTIER DALCHÉ, DUFOSSÉ
Ore 15,30 – Lezione FISCHER, Sulle orme di Augusto Beccaria. Sorano, Galeno, Oribasio e l’anonimo di Cassiodoro 
Ore 16,15 – Lezione NUTTON, Galen and Galenism in Byzantium 
Ore 17,15 – Lezione VENTURA, Farmacologia e farmacoterapia nell’alto medioevo: trasmissione di testi, trasmissione di contenuti 
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni FISCHER, NUTTON, VENTURA


Ore 9,30 – Lezione MOUREAU, L’alchimie dans l’Andalus, de Maslama b. Qasim al-Qurtubi aux traductions arabo-latines (Xe-XIIIe siècles) 
Ore 10,15 – Lezione ACERBI, Interazioni tra testo, diagrammi e tavole nei manoscritti matematici e astronomici 
Ore 11,15 – Lezione PUIG AGUILAR, Astrolabios e instrumentos afines arabes en la Alta Edad Media 
Ore 12,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni MOUREAU, ACERBI, PUIG AGUILAR 

Le grandi figure della cultura scientifica altomedievale 
Ore 15,30 – Lezione WALLIS, Bede’s Eye: Number and Experience as a Grammar of Science in the Early Middle Ages 
Ore 16,15 – Lezione LOHRMANN, Alcuin, Charlemagne et la réception de Lucrece vers l’an 800 
Ore 17,15 – Lezione DEPREUX, Neues aus Altem schaffen? Hrabanus Maurus als Gelehrter, Vermittler und Autor 
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni WALLIS, LOHRMANN, DEPREUX


Ore 9,00 – Lezione KORTUM, Gerberto d’Aurillac: uomo universale avant la lettre in saeculo obscuro 

I luoghi, i crocevia di culture, le traduzioni 
Ore 9,45 – Lezione GLAZE, Constantine the African, Salerno, and Beyond: the Beginnings of Medieval Medical Studies 
Ore 10,45 – Lezione DEGNI, I testi scientifici nell’Italia meridionale bizantina: forme, modelli, circolazione 
Ore 11,30 – Discussione sulle lezioni KORTUM, GLAZE, DEGNI, 
Ore 15,30 – Lezione BERGGREN, « Who, What, When, Where ,Why and How? » of Mathematical Knowledge Between Medieval Western and Arabic Worlds 
Ore 16,15 – Lezione BAFFIONI, La sezione ginecologica del Kitab al-Hawi di Muhammad ibn Zakariyya’al-Razi 
Ore 17,15 – Lezione HUGONNARD-ROCHE, La logique comme instrument de la connaissance scientifique dans la culture syriaque et arabe du Haut Moyen Âge oriental 
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni BERGGREN, BAFFIONI, HUGONNARD-ROCHE


Scienza e tecnica 
Ore 9,00 – Lezione PANTI, La scienza musicale nell’alto medioevo: dalla boeziana mathematica disciplina all’ars musica 
Ore 9,45 – Lezione MORRISSON, Alchimie, métallurgie et économie: frappe et politique monetaires à Byzance (IVe-XIIe siècles) 
Ore 10,45 – Lezione ARSLAN-BARELLO, Dalla scienza delle finanze all’emissione tra Longobardi e Franchi 
Ore 11,30 – Discussione sulle lezioni PANTI, MORRISSON, ARSLAN-BARELLO

Linguaggi, simboli ed espressioni artistiche 
Ore 15,30 – Lezione ROELLI, What Kind of Latin Was Used in Scientific Communication in the Early Middle Ages? 
Ore 16,15 – Lezione CAIAZZO, Filosofia della natura e fisica elementare 
Ore 17,15 – Lezione LAZARIS, Donner à voir les savoirs médicaux, scientifiques et techniques dans les mondes latin et byzantin (IVe-XIIe siècles) 
Ore 18,00 – Discussione sulle lezioni ROELLI, CAIAZZO, LAZARIS


Ore 9,00 – Lezione WALKER, The Symbols of the Apocalypse: the Subversion of Nature and Cosmic Upheaval in Illuminated Manuscripts 

Scienza e fede 
Ore 9,45 – Lezione JACQUART, Science et foi de Bède le Vénérable à Hugues de Saint-Victor: les motivations d’une ouverture aux savoirs profanes 
Ore 10,45 – Discussione sulle lezioni WALKER, JACQUART 

La partecipazione è aperta a tutti gli studiosi; coloro che intendessero iscriversi dovranno versare la quota di euro 20,00 presso la Segreteria della Fondazione. Agli iscritti sarà concesso uno sconto speciale del 30 per cento sul prezzo di copertina delle pubblicazioni della Fondazione C.I.S.A.M., sconto valido soltanto durante la Settimana stessa. 
Si comunica che il MIUR con lettera prot. n. AOODGPER 45229 del 15.10.2018 inviata ai Direttori degli Uffici scolastici regionali e ai Centri servizi amministrativi, ha concesso al personale docente che ne faccia richiesta l’autorizzazione a partecipare alla LXVII Settimana di studio della Fondazione C.I.S.A.M. 
Per informazioni e prenotazioni alloggio rivolgersi all’agenzia Jazz Viaggi, piazza della Vittoria, 29 – 06049 Spoleto (PG) Tel. +39 – 0743 221818; Fax 0743 221250; Fondazione C.I.S.A.M. Palazzo Arroni, via dell’Arringo – 06049 Spoleto (PG) Tel. +39 – 0743 225630; Fax 0743 49902 – –


22th All-Russian Scientific Session of Byzantine Studies

DATES: September 23-28, 2019

VENUE: Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg


The National Committee of the Byzantine Studies of the Russian Federation will hold the next 22th All-Russian scientific session of the Byzantine Studies under the motto «Byzantine « Commonwealth »: traditions and paradigm changes». The Ural School of Byzantine Studies will accommodate the Session in Yekaterinburg.

Thematically the conference embraces the study of Byzantium and its related regions with an emphasis on traditions and visible changes in their existence.

All-Russian Scientific Sessions, conducted by the National Committee, are an authoritative review of Byzantine studies schools and an open platform for the communication of scientists and the demonstration of relevant research results. Traditionally, Sessions are united by a common theme or are dedicated to anniversary dates. Currently, Sessions are held regularly twice in five years.


For further information:


International Workshop on Late Byzantine Cities
Venue: Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, 15-18 August 2019
Co-Convenors Suna Çağaptay and Aslıhan Akışık
For further Information:

Lecture at the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul: 
« Der Kaiser und seine Stadt – Kaiserhof und Zeremoniell im byzantinischen Konstantinopel » by Albrecht Berger
Date: 2019 March 21st, 6:00 p.m.

For further information:


The 52nd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies ‘Blood in Byzantium’
Churchill College and Trinity College, Cambridge 30 March – 1 April, 2019

In 2019, the Symposium will be returning to Cambridge for the first time since 1990. The theme which has been chosen is ‘Blood in Byzantium’. This theme will facilitate inter-disciplinary discussion of research and ideas embracing Byzantine religion, art history, military history, social history, and law, as well Byzantine medicine and philosophy, drawing upon the extensive theoretical and historical literature that has emerged on the body, blood, and medicine in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, but which has yet to be systematically applied to Byzantium and its neighbours. Sessions will be arranged around the themes of ‘The Blood of Christ’; ‘The Blood of the Martyrs’; ‘Blood, Dynasty and Kinship’; ‘Bloodshed’; and ‘Blood in Medicine, Philosophy and Art’.
The main sessions of the conference will be held at Churchill College, with a reception and dinner at Trinity College.
Confirmed speakers include Claudia Rapp, Jane Baun, Phil Booth, Ioannis Pappadogiannakis, Stavroula Constantinou, Anne Alwis, Elena Draghici-Vasilescu, Caroline Goodson, Philip Wood, Nick Evans, Ruth Macrides, Andrew Marsham, Peter Frankopan, Alexandra Vukovich, Teresa Shawcross, Theodora Antonopoulou, Mike Humphreys, Maroula Perisnadi, Yannis Stouraitis, Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, Rebecca Flemming and Barbara Zipser.
The 52nd Spring Symposium invites Communications (of 10 minutes in duration) on current research and warmly invites abstracts (of not more than 500 words) from scholars within and
without the UK and in fields linked to Byzantine studies. Abstracts should be sent to Peter Sarris ( by 20 December 2018.
Practical Information
Symposium Website
Link to the Symposium website from:
A dedicated site will be available soon:
Please keep checking the website periodically: further information will be added in due course, and continuously updated. The complete programme will be available in January 2019.
If you have any queries, please contact Peter Sarris (
A link to register for the 52nd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies will be available on the website.
The conference sessions will take place in the designated conference centre at Churchill College ( which has excellent transport connections and parking for cars, and is within walking distance of the city centre.
Train tickets can be purchased online and collected at any UK train station from Cambridge is connected to London via fast trains that run via King’s Cross/St. Pancras and a slower train that runs via Liverpool Street. The closest airport is London Stansted ( but there are also good transport connections via London to Heathrow, Gatwick, and London Luton Airports. Within Cambridge, Churchill College is served via the X5 and Citi4 Bus (see A highly reliable taxi service is provided 

“Byzantine Centres of Magnificence”, Oxford University Byzantine Studies Summer Course for Adults, 
13-20 July 2019, Rewley House, Oxford.

Apart from Constantinople, the political and cultural capital of the Byzantine empire for over a thousand years, there were other wealthy cities and towns as well as monastic communities in the empire which produced exquisite cultural and artistic products. Using contemporary texts and visual aids, the course will trace the development of Constantinople and certain other Byzantine centres and examine the cultural, artistic and everyday life in those centres from the fourth to the fifteenth century.
The course will be taught by Dr Aphrodite Papayianni, who teaches at the University of London and OUDCE. She has a particular interest in the Byzantine-Western relations and has published articles in various topics of Byzantine History.
Full information regarding the course can be found here
Deadline for enrolment: 1 May 2019
Gold Glass Memorial Day for Daniel T. Howells

Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford.
Sat 27 April 2019
A conference, co-hosted by Drs Susan Walker (Oxford University) and Ine Jacobs (Ioannou Centre), in commemoration of the life and work of the late Dr Daniel Howells. Speakers, many of whom knew or worked with Dr Howells, will present papers on the art of ancient gold glass, its historical contexts and influence on later art.

  • Giulia Cesarin, “Gold-band glass: from Hellenistic to Roman luxury glass production.”
  • Yasoko Fujii, “A Study of Continuity: gold leaf techniques on gold glass. From Hellenistic ‘Kirikane’ to Late Roman ‘Scratching’.”
  • Will Lewis, “A Constantinian prince’s guide to religion and culture in the mid-fourth century.”
  • Susan Walker, “Craft, consumers and the value of gold-glass in late antique Rome.”
  • Lucy Grig, “’Cultures of Conviviality’: thinking about the role of the gold glasses in feasting and conviviality.”
  • Eileen Rubery, “Gold glass and the cults of female saints in Rome: whatever happened to the Virgin Mary?” 

For online registration, visit the conference’s Eventbrite page here.



Dumbarton Oaks (

Resourcing Archives: New Research on Old Data – Reception and Formation in Late Antique Syria-Palestine

The Oak Room, Fellowship House
March 29, 2019
08:30 AM to 05:00 PM

Byzantine Studies Workshop / Konstantina Karterouli, Gideon Avni, and Alan Walmsley, Organizers

Academic and national institutions are the holders of extensive inventories documenting cultural assets and historical landscapes. Recent global initiatives have invested efforts in the preservation of this body of material and raised awareness on the major significance of archives in understanding the past. The rise of the internet has facilitated the systematic display, searchability, and easy accessibility of archives – a process still in its infancy – while new geospatial and other digital technologies have provided a wealth of additional data points. Dumbarton Oaks has recently acquired a large collection of photographs that offer a comprehensive record of Syrian late antique heritage in the 1990s. This collection forms part of a global network of archival resources stored in a number of institutions in the US, Europe, and the Middle East that document the late antique Syria-Palestine. Collectively, these archives present invaluable scholarly evidence that has hardly been used in a systematic manner in Middle Eastern studies. This essential data should be incorporated with the evidence of field research conducted in more recent decades, as well as with data resulting from new technologies and systems of recording, to advance research in the face of the abrupt stop of fieldwork in Syria and the destruction of documentation.

The workshop will be divided into three sessions, each focusing on a distinct research theme, and demonstrating different modes of engaging archival and digital data. The first session (« Settings ») will lay down the broad metrics of the discussion, focusing on urban and regional settings. Specifically, participants will be asked to contemplate questions such as adaptive responses to social change as reflected in the urban landscape, and the interaction across urban and rural areas via networks of agricultural and pastoral societies. A crucial variable to engage is the question of time and diachronic processes. The second session (« Sites ») will deal with sites as case studies that combine fieldwork research with archival material. One of the goals of this session is to advance the interpretation of the archaeological record through close attention to indicators of late antique processes of reception and new development seen in the areas of architecture and the study of material remains. The third session (« Sacred landscapes ») will explore the making, and long histories, of sacred landscapes as seen in art and epigraphy, addressing questions such as the shifting social, economic, political, and cultural dimensions of religious sites and continuities and discontinuities in the production of material culture. The goal of the workshop is to further develop the current understanding of processes of transformation in late antique Syria-Palestine by focusing on the dynamic relation between reception and formation, which ties into contemporary research on adaptive and agile societies more generally.

Gideon Avni (Israel Antiquities Authority and Hebrew University of Jerusalem), « Landscapes as Palimpsest: The ‘Ancient Lands’ Myth and the Evolution of Agricultural Landscapes in Syria-Palestine in Late Antiquity and Medieval Times »
Jesse Casana (Dartmouth College), « Lost Landscapes of Late Antiquity: Regional-scale Archaeological Documentation using Historical Satellite Imagery in the Northern Fertile Crescent »
Michael Decker (University of South Florida), « Archaeology and the Demography of Northern Syria in Late Antiquity »
Asa Eger (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), « Antioch: Transformation and Memory of a Medieval City »
Pierre-Louis Gatier (Universite’ Lyon), « The Christianization of the City of Heliopolis (Phoenicia Libanensis): New Thoughts on Old Documents »
Konstantina Karterouli (Dumbarton Oaks), « Reception and Formation in Late Antique Syria-Palestine: Research on Sacred Landscapes and the Discourse of Big Data »
Anna Leone (University of Durham), « The Middle Euphrates and its Transformation from Late Antiquity to the Early Arab Period: The Case of Dibsi Faraj »
Katharina Meinecke (German Archaeological Institute, Rome Department), « ‘Syntactic Innovation’ in Late Antique Architectural Sculpture in Syria and Beyond »
Alan Walmsley (Macquarie University), « Thoughts on Thought: Archaeological Sites, their Interpretation, and Archives »
Ann Marie Yasin (University of Southern California), « Ruins as Raw Material: Architectural Adaptation and Lived Experience in and of Byzantine Syria »

Antoine Borrut (University of Maryland)
Robin Darling Young (Catholic University of America)


Processions: Urban Ritual in Byzantium and Neighboring Lands

Byzantine Studies Symposium, Leslie Brubaker and Nancy Ševčenko, Symposiarchs


Military, civic, and religious processions were hallmarks of the ancient and medieval world; they continued into the Renaissance and, indeed, continue to this day. The Byzantine procession has not yet been subjected to any synthetic, historicizing, contextualizing, or comparative examination.


Understanding processions is critical for our appreciation of how urban space worked and was manipulated in the Middle Ages. For the 2019 Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposium, speakers will examine texts, artifacts, and images to develop a new understanding of medieval urban life across multiple social registers. For example, records of processions show us what kinds of public behavior were acceptable, and when, and where. Studying processions introduces us to new protagonists as well, for processions involve audiences as well as participants, and groups hitherto virtually invisible, such as the team of people who prepared for the event by decorating the streets, will be brought to light. The Byzantine commitment to processions is striking in terms of the resources and time allocated: there were as many as two processions a week in Constantinople, many involving the patriarch and the emperor. In the Latin West, the Crusader States, and in the Fatimid, Ottoman, and Muscovite worlds, by comparison, processions occurred far less frequently: the procession was significantly more important to the Byzantines than to their neighbors and successors. The comparative study of Byzantine processions to be offered by the speakers at the symposium will reveal how the Byzantines operated in a complex global network defined by local contexts, how the Byzantines positioned themselves within this network, and the nature of the Byzantine legacy to the Islamic, Catholic, and Orthodox inheritors of their culture.


Eclecticism at the Edges: Medieval Art and Architecture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Cultural Spheres (c.1300-c.1550)

April 5-6, 2019 Princeton University
Organizers: M. Alessia Rossi, The Index of Medieval Art
Alice Isabella Sullivan, University of Michigan
This event is free, but registration is required to guarantee seating.

Friday, April 5, 2019
5:00-5:15 M. Alessia Rossi, The Index of Medieval Art Alice Isabella Sullivan, University of Michigan Welcome
5:15-6:30 Keynote Lecture Jelena Erdeljan, University of Belgrade Cross-Cultural Entanglement and Visual Culture in Eastern Europe c. 1300-1550
6:30-7:30 Film Screening and Exhibition Introduction by Julia Gearhart, Princeton University “No Woman’s Land”: A 1929 Expedition to Mount Athos and Meteora
7:30-9:00 Reception McCormick Hall
Saturday, April 6, 2019
9:00-10:40 Session 1 – New Constructs of Identity
Chair: Charlie Barber, Princeton University Elena Boeck, DePaul University
A Timeless Ideal: Constantinople in the Slavonic Imagination of the 14th -16th Centuries
Gianvito Campobasso, University of Fribourg
Eclecticism Among Multiple Identities: The Visual Culture of Albania in the Late Middle Ages
Ida Sinkević, Lafayette College Serbian Royal Mausolea: A Reflection of Cultural Identity?
10:40-11:00 Coffee / Tea Break
11:00-12:40 Session 2 – Shifting Iconographies
Chair: Pamela Patton, The Index of Medieval Art
Vlad Bedros, National University of Arts, Bucharest: A Hybrid Iconography: The Lamb of God in Moldavian Wall-Paintings
Krisztina Ilko: The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Dormition of the Virgin: Artistic Exchange and Innovation in Medieval Wall Paintings from Slovakia
Ovidiu Olar, Austrian Academy of Sciences: A Murderer among the Seraphim: Prince Lăpușneanu’s Transfiguration Embroideries for Slatina Monastery
12:40-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-3:40 Session 3 – Patronage and Agents of Exchange
Chair: Cristina Stancioiu, College of William and Mary Dragoş Gh. Năstăsoiu, Centre for Medieval Studies, National Research University “Higher School of Economics,” Moscow:  Appropriation, Adaptation, and Transformation: Painters of Byzantine Tradition Working for Catholic Patrons in 14th – and 15th -century Transylvania
Christos Stavrakos, University of Ioannina/Greece:  Donors, Patrons, and Benefactors in Mediaeval Epirus between the Great Empires: A Society in Change or a Continuity?
Nazar Kozak, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:  Post-Byzantine Art as a Network: Mobility Trajectories of the Akathistos Cycle in the Balkans, the Carpathians, and Beyond
3:40-4:00 Coffee / Tea Break
4:00-5:15 Keynote Lecture Michalis Olympios, University of Cyprus “Eclecticism,” “Hybridity,” and “Transculturality” in Late Medieval Art: A View from the Eastern Mediterranean
5:15-6:00 Roundtable Discussion, Questions, and Closing
6:00-9:00 Final Reception Chancellor Green Rotunda

Processions: Urban Ritual in Byzantium and Neighboring Land.
Date: April 12-13, 2019

The Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies Program will be holding its annual symposium on April 12-13, 2019,

For more information, please visit this website:

Any questions may be sent to


Periodization of Byzantine Cultural History
International Summer School for post-graduate students

The participants will have an opportunity to explore the history, implications and limits of a number of traditional concepts and terms used in the field of Byzantine studies when describing periods of Byzantine Cultural history, such as the « Macedonian Renaissance », « Cultural Revival under the Komnenoi », « Byzantine Humanism » etc. 

24./25.5.2019 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany/Zott Art Space; 8.-12.7.2019 Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Turkey

The language of instruction will be English.

Organized by: PD Dr. Sergei Mariev (LMU München/JGU Mainz); Ricarda Schier M.A. (LMU München,

We award bursaries that cover travel costs to Munich (Germany) and Istanbul (Turkey) and accommodation expenses both in Munich and in Istanbul. The number of participants is limited.

Registration and inquieries by e-Mail to Ricarda Schier (

Please send a short motivation statement (200 words) to and indicate a person who would provide references on your behalf.

Deadline for applications: April 15, 2019

The summer school is organized within a framework of the research project „Blick nach Byzanz“ (LMU Munich) in collaboration with JGU Mainz, Swedish Research Institut Istanbul and MSE-Solutions GmbH.

Links in English and in German.

ReIReS School in Sofia, September 2019

The University in Sofia is pleased to announce the ReIReS School 22-27 September 2019 on the use and study of special documents. Especially – but not only – PhD students and postdocs are welcome, both from ReIReS partners and other institutions.

The school in Sofia will make scholars familiar with special, less known and remote collections like the unique collection of Greek, Arabic and Slavonic manuscripts in Center Dujcev, the Zographou manuscripts collection, which is otherwise not accessible in situ to female researchers; with the history of Bulgarian Church and religious literature and the history of the oldest and biggest Bulgarian monastery and its role for preserving the religious identity of the Bulgarian population.

The school is open to scholars affiliated to the ReIReS consortium and to max. five persons from outside the consortium. Scholars from outside the consortium will pay a registration fee of € 395.00.

Common Objectives:

The school meets ReIReS Common Objectives and Standards

Specific Learning Goals:

The participant will:

  • know how to find, identify and analyze medieval theological fragments;
  • conduct research on the decoration of both Slavonic and Byzantine manuscripts for establishing the connections between the two traditions as well as between some selected manuscripts;
  • understand the role of Old Bulgarian (OCS) as a tool for christianization of the Slavic and Romanian populations in South-Eastern Europe;
  • detect and identify provenances, get practice on reading ownership entries, research on former owners and analysis of the results.
Application Deadline:

August 31, 2019. You can apply by filling out the form, indicating your name, affiliation, function and a short motivation. You will be informed within 14 days on receipt of your application.


Prof.DSci Anna-Maria Totomanova
Sofia University
15 Tzar Osvoboditel blvd
1000 Sofia


« The Art Historical Image in the Digital Age » at the American Academy in Rome is a ten-day, intensive course designed to equip scholars of art from any historical period with the basic skills necessary to excel in the digital humanities: digital image management, organization, and analysis.

Since its inception, the disciplines of art history, as well as archaeology and conservation science, have focused to a great extent on the collection and analysis of images. Just as the ability to reproduce and circulate images through photography revolutionized the study of art in the nineteenth century, so too has digital imaging transformed the field in the twenty-first. The ease and speed with which digital images are now created, using a variety of apparatuses, has meant that scholars have access to and create ever-growing numbers of images, from reproductions of artworks to scans of documents and books. In addition, fields such as technical art history and archaeology have harnessed technologies such as laser scanning (lidar) to formulate research questions and produce new insights. This profusion of digital images has transformed research practices in these fields and raises both practical and conceptual questions. What constitutes image data? In what ways do archives, libraries, conservation labs, or even researchers themselves classify and organize this data, and how can it be analyzed? In what ways can researchers leverage digital-imaging tools and methods, while maintaining the rigor of their research and scholarship? Students participating in this summer school will begin to answer these questions by considering broader questions that affect art historical practice while at the same time gaining technical knowledge that will help make them critical and informed users of both image data and technical imaging technologies, such as 3D and spectral imaging.

This course takes advantage of the unique resources of the American Academy in Rome to prepare scholars to chart new directions in creating, managing, and using images for art historical research and scholarship in the digital age. Using as a case study a set of art historical image data in Rome, a city that the Academy founder Charles F. McKim deemed the very best place to study art, the course will familiarize participants with the basics skills necessary to organize and manage digital images. Participants will learn the key concepts and vocabulary to discuss image data and its integral role in the digital humanities. They will also develop skills to manage image data most effectively for art historical research, such as the creation and manipulation of image metadata and digital tools like Mirador. As part of their investigation of digital images, participants will also discuss the impact of digital technology on our experience of art using Rome as an example.

The course is ideal for graduate students and scholars who are eager to develop new methodologies in art history using digital strategies. Participants will be selected on the basis of their ability to formulate compelling research questions about the conjunction of digital humanities and art history. While projects that address issues in art from antiquity to the modern era are welcome, preference will be given to those that would benefit from access to resources in Rome.

Dates: July 1-12, 2019

Application Deadline: April 8, 2019

Director: Emily Pugh, Digital Humanities Specialist, Getty Research Institute

The program is intended for graduate students and early career scholars in art history, but those who work in history or visual culture will also be considered. The program is open to candidates of all nationalities with a sufficient command of English.

Required Equipment
Participants are required to bring their own computers and hardware (cables, adaptors, etc.). All software used in the course will be open source and thus downloadable free of cost.

Tuition: 900 dollars covers tuition, excursions, and materials supplied by the Summer School for use during the program.

Housing: housing at the American Academy in Rome is not guaranteed. Housing availability will be communicated upon acceptance. Participants should be prepared that they may need to find housing outside the Academy.

Meals: meals can be purchased at the Academy (15 euros for lunch and 27 euros for dinner). The tuition includes one group dinner.

How to Apply

Please send your CV and a brief description of how this course will enhance your current art historical research (maximum 500 words) to:

Deadline for tuition payments is May 31, 2019.

Accepted participants should send a check in dollars for the TUITION ONLY, made out to the American Academy in Rome, with an indication in memo line of « Art Historical Image » to:

American Academy in Rome
7 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10022-1001 USA

For those wishing to pay tuition in euros you can:

Send a check in euros made out to the American Academy in Rome to the Rome address (Via Angelo Masina, 5 – 00153 Roma) to the attention of Francesco Cagnizzi; or
Make a bank transfer to the American Academy in Rome (Unicredit Bank IBAN IT 50 X 02008 05031 000400543095, BIC SWIFT CODE UNCRITM1015); or
Provide us with your credit-card details by phoning +39 06 5846429

Further information about the course can be obtained from the course director at

Assistenz Doktorand/-in Alte Geschichte
60 prozent

Das Departement Altertumswissenschaften umfasst die archaeologischen, philologischen und historischen Disziplinen der Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultaet, die mit der Erforschung der Antike befasst sind. Auf den 1. August 2019 oder nach Vereinbarung ist eine Stelle als Assistent/in (Doktorand/-in) in Alter Geschichte zu besetzen.

Ihre Aufgaben
Zu den Aufgaben des Assistenten/der Assistentin gehoert insbesondere die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation an der Universitaet Basel durch die Dissertation, die Beteiligung an der Lehre (2 Semesterwochenstunden), die akademische Selbstverwaltung und die Mitarbeit bei der Betreuung der Studierenden sowie den wissenschaftlichen Projekten der Alten Geschichte.

Ihr Profil
Voraussetzung ist ein mit dem Master oder einer gleichwertigen Leistung (Lizentiat, Magister Artium) abgeschlossenes Studium in Alter Geschichte oder einem verwandten Fach sowie die Arbeit an einem eigenen Dissertationsprojekt. Wuenschenswert, aber keine Voraussetzung, ist ein Forschungsschwerpunkt zum Thema griechisch-roemisches/spaetantikes Aegypten.

Wir bieten Ihnen
Die Stelle ist fuer Doktorierende auf ein Jahr befristet mit der Moeglichkeit der Verlaengerung um drei weitere Jahre. Die Anstellungsbedingungen folgen den Richtlinien der Universitaet.

Bewerbung / Kontakt
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollstaendige Bewerbung (aktuellen Lebenslauf, ein Anschreiben, Zeugnisse, ausgewaehlte Seminararbeiten oder Auszuege aus der Masterarbeit) ueber das Online-Bewerbungsportal der Universitaet (siehe Button unten) bis 15.04.2019. Zwei vertrauliche Referenzschreiben sollten direkt an Frau Prof. Sabine Huebner ( gerichtet werden. Bewerbungen auf anderem Weg werden nicht beruecksichtigt. Fuer weitere Auskuenfte steht Ihnen Prof. Dr. Sabine Huebner ( zur Verfuegung.



Ateliers internationaux de formation doctorale
Pouvoirs, sociétés, imaginaires dans les villes du monde méditerranéen (XIIeXVe siècle). Pour une approche historico-anthropologique de la ville médiévale

III Atelier dottorale
San Gimignano (Siena), 17-21 giugno 2019
Immaginario e rappresentazioni delle città mediterranee del basso Medioevo

Bando di ammissione

L’Atelier doctoral si propone in diretta prosecuzione della Scuola di alti studi dottorali che dal 2004 al 2016 ha costituito una sede di formazione specialistica avanzata destinata ai giovani studiosi che dedicano le proprie ricerche allo studio della civiltà comunale. Promossa dal Centro di Studi sulla civiltà comunale della Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Toscana, la Scuola è venuta distinguendosi come una delle più qualificate « summer school » a livello internazionale: su oltre 200 partecipanti, oltre 40 sono provenuti da Università non italiane.
Dal 2017 gli Ateliers internationaux de formation doctorale sono organizzati dal Centro di Studi sulla civiltà comunale della Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Toscana in collaborazione con il Dottorato di ricerca in Studi storici delle Università di Firenze e di Siena, l’Université Paris-Sorbonne (Centre Roland Mousnier e Labex EHNE), e hanno sede a San Gimignano grazie al sostegno della locale Amministrazione comunale. Il Comitato scientifico è composto da Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur (Università di Roma Tre), Giuliano Pinto (Deputazione di Storia patria per la Toscana) e Andrea Zorzi (Università di Firenze).
Obiettivo degli Ateliers è lo studio delle società urbane del basso medioevo, con una particolare attenzione per i sistemi politici e le diverse manifestazioni dell’immaginario urbano, allargando lo sguardo all’insieme delle città del bacino mediterraneo, sia dell’Occidente cattolico sia dell’area di influenza bizantina sia delle regioni sotto dominazione islamica. Gli Ateliers offrono un ambiente stimolante di confronto intellettuale tra specialisti affermati e giovani studiosi in formazione, per favorire, attraverso momenti di discussione e di
scambio, il rinnovamento delle prospettive di ricerca e l’allargamento dello spettro comparativo.
Gli Ateliers, di carattere multidisciplinare, prevedono lezioni su questioni interpretative di ampio respiro tenute da docenti specialisti e seminari tenuti dai partecipanti sui propri temi di ricerca. Docenti del terzo Atelier – dedicato a Immaginario e rappresentazioni delle città mediterranee del basso Medioevo – saranno i proff. Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Mario Gallina (Università di Torino), Julien Loiseau (Aix-Marseille Université), Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur (Università di Roma Tre), Giuliano Pinto (Deputazione di Storia patria per la Toscana), Flocel Sabatè (Universitat de Lleida), Alessandro Savorelli (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) e Andrea Zorzi (Università di Firenze).

Sono ammessi a partecipare laureandi e laureati delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali, dottorandi e dottori di ricerca, diplomandi e diplomati nelle Scuole di specializzazione, assegnisti di ricerca e borsisti post lauream in discipline storiche e medievistiche provenienti da qualsiasi sede universitaria italiana e straniera e di qualsiasi nazionalità.

La partecipazione agli Ateliers e’ riservata a 14 (quattordici) giovani studiosi, scelti a giudizio insindacabile del Comitato scientifico per valutazione comparativa dei titoli e dei curricula presentati. Non sono ammessi partecipanti in soprannumero.
Gli Ateliers hanno carattere residenziale. Gli ammessi sono tenuti ad assistere con assiduita’ a tutte le sedute e a svolgere un seminario sulla propria ricerca, secondo il programma ufficializzato all’inizio dell’atelier. Al suo termine sara’ rilasciato ai partecipanti un attestato di partecipazione. Si fa riserva di rifiutare l’attestato a coloro che, senza giustificato motivo, non frequentino assiduamente le lezioni.
Agli ammessi e’ offerta l’ospitalita’ completa ad esclusione delle spese di viaggio.
I candidati dovranno presentare:
– una domanda di ammissione con l’indicazione delle generalita’ e dell’attuale status formativo o professionale, e corredata dall’indicazione dei recapiti postale, telefonico ed e-mail, utilizzando il modulo qui disponibile;
– una breve descrizione del progetto di ricerca in corso (utilizzando il modulo disponibile all’url sopra indicato);
– un curriculum (di massimo due cartelle) degli studi seguiti e dell’attività scientifica svolta;
– copia di eventuali pubblicazioni edite ed inedite.

Non saranno prese in considerazione le domande prive della descrizione del progetto di ricerca e della compilazione del modulo di ammissione.
Le domande dovranno pervenire all’indirizzo di posta elettronica, allegando la documentazione richiesta, entro e non oltre il 15 aprile 2019.
La comunicazione agli ammessi all’Atelier sarà effettuata, per posta elettronica, entro il 5 maggio 2019.

Appel à candidatures pour 5 contrats doctoraux font IFAO (Institut français d’archéologie orientale).
Dans le cadre du soutien apporté aux actions de coopération internationale, le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la  Recherche et de l’Innovation accorde chaque année cinq contrats doctoraux en partenariat entre une École Doctorale et l’une des cinq Écoles françaises à l’étranger (EFE): École française d’Athènes, École française de Rome, Institut français d’archéologie orientale, École française d’Extreme-Orient, Casa de Velazquez (École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques). 
Dans le cadre de ce dispositif, un contrat doctoral est alloué chaque année à l’Ifao.
On notera que cette allocation vient s’ajouter au contingent dont dispose chaque Ecole Doctorale: elle constitue donc à la fois un renforcement de l’aide aux jeunes chercheurs et un soutien à la recherche française à l’étranger. Par ailleurs, l’obtention de l’allocation n’implique pas nécessairement une résidence en Egypte.
Les dossiers de candidature pour l’Ifao devront être déposés sous forme électronique (document pdf unique) sur le site internet de l’Ifao sous la rubrique Annonces / Postes and emplois avant le 30 avril 2019 à 15h (heure du Caire).
Tous renseignements peuvent être demandés au secretariat de la direction, Mme Hélène Wahba (telephone: +20 2 27971649, courriel:
Les résultats seront communiqués avant la fin du mois de juin 2019

Call for Applications

The interdisciplinary Research Training Group 1876 « Early Concepts of Humans and Nature: Universal, Specific, Interchanged » established by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz invites applications for 6 doctoral positions (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, 13 TV-L 65 pro zent) starting on October 1 st, 2019. Initial appointment will be for three years. 

The Research Training Group is directed by scholars from the fields of Egyptology, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Pre- and Protohistorical Archaeology (Pleistocene Archaeology), Near Eastern Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Classics (Greek and Latin), Byzantine Studies and Medieval German Studies.

In the Research Training Group’s research programme, the object is to record concepts of humans and nature in the Near Eastern, Northeast African and European area in the period from ca. 100.000 years B.C.E. until the Middle Ages – starting out from textual, pictorial and material sources – by means of examples and to study them in culturally immanent as well as transcultural respects. In order to align the spectrum of potential fields of topics in a targeted manner four main focal points of research have been defined: 
(1) Primordial conditions and elements, the origin and the end of the world;
(2) Natural phenomena, the forces of nature, and natural catastrophes;
(3) Flora, fauna, and natural environment;
(4) The conceptualization of the human body, of disease, healing and death.

Topics for PhD theses must be chosen from one of these four areas and belong to one of the academic disciplines mentioned above.
We are looking for dissertation projects that will connect with and complement dissertation projects within the Research Training Group as well as additional dissertation projects belonging to one of the four areas. 

For detailed information regarding our research and training programme and for a list of the academic staff involved in our graduate school, please refer to our homepage (

Requirements for appointment:
– a diploma or master’s degree (or equivalent) with excellent results in one of the disciplines mentioned above and fulfilment of the necessary requirements for enrolment on a doctoral degree in either Faculty (Fachbereich) 05 or 07 of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (
We offer: 
– a salary based on the German public sector pay scale (TV-L)
– a PhD programme with clearly defined steps and instruction
– ample opportunities for intensive professional and interdisciplinary exchange
– close supervision by two professors of different academic disciplines of the Research Training Group’s core faculty
– a mentoring programme with cooperating partners in Germany and abroad
– traineeships within cooperating institutes
– additional funding for staying for up to four weeks abroad at a research institute cooperating with our programme as well as for attending conferences inside and outside Germany 
– classes helping you to acquire key qualifications (e.g. time-management or academic writing courses)
– a modern and pleasant working environment
– optional six months’ funding for developing a new research project once you have completed your PhD
We expect:
– preparation of a doctoral thesis within our research programme
– scientific training within a structured dissertation programme
– continuous participation in the study programme
– cooperation with other PhD students and scholars from neighbouring fields and disciplines
– presence at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
– after the three year funding period: doctorate at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
The following documents must be provided:
– application form (available on the website for download)
– a letter of motivation
– a curriculum vitae
– a complete transcript of academic records, including the last school report obtained before entering university (Abitur, highschool-diploma or equivalent)
– a resume’ of the graduate thesis you submitted (3 pages)
–  your graduate thesis in a pdf-file
– an expose’ for a PhD thesis in one of the areas of the Research Training Group, summarizing the idea, outlining research questions and state of the art, approach and methods to be used, work and time schedule (4 pages) 
– two letters of reference from members of academic staff allowing us to judge your abilities (to be sent before the closing date directly to the spokesperson)
– if available: a list of attended conferences and publications

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is keen to increase the number of women among its scholars and thus encourages women to apply. The university supports its members in reconciling professional and family responsibilities and offers family-friendly study and working conditions. Disabled persons will be given preference if equally qualified. It is recommended to refer to a possible handicap in the application.
Further details regarding the application process and the selection of candidates are available on the homepage of our graduate school. You may also contact a member of the Research Training Group’s staff in your discipline if you have a specific question. For organizational questions you may contact the coordination office.
Please submit your complete application in electronic form (pdf) no later than May 1st, 2019 to the Research Training Group’s spokesperson Univ.-Prof.  Dr. Tanja Pommerening (

Founded in 1969, Stockton University, New Jersey’s Distinctive Public University, is also one of America’s most distinctive public universities, consistently ranking among the nation’s finest educational institutions and among the top ten public Master’s institutions in the Northeast. Stockton proudly offers the academic, technological, and cultural advantages of a large institution combined with the community spirit of a small liberal arts college. Stockton is noted for combining an outstanding interdisciplinary approach to graduate and undergraduate education with all the qualities of an outstanding employer. We offer a unique vibrant working environment, a wealth of work related opportunities and outstanding employee benefits. Stockton is committed to attracting, encouraging and retaining a qualified workforce to support the mission of the University. The University is located in the Pinelands National Reserve in southern New Jersey, about one hour from Philadelphia, two hours from New York City, three hours from the Baltimore/Washington area, and 20 minutes from Atlantic City.

Title: Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History (13D)
Location: Main Campus
Job Category: Faculty
Department: Arts and Humanities (250005)
Salary: Salary commensurate with experience
Posted Date: 03/04/2019
Overview: The Visual Arts Program at Stockton University invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in Art History beginning September 2019. The preferred candidate will have college-level teaching experience and a publications record. Consideration is also given to specialists in Byzantine art and architecture or other ancient specializations.

Teach courses in area of specialization, two-semester art history survey, and other courses as needed, including courses for the University’s General Studies program. One course in archaeology is required each year, with preference given to candidates who can offer summer field work for students.
The faculty member will participate in Pappas Center for Hellenic Studies programming on campus and beyond.
Teaching load is six four-credit courses per year. 
Demonstrate, through past accomplishments and actions, the ability to support Stockton University’s diversity commitment and strong student-centered vision and mission.

Required Qualifications:
Ph.D. required (or must have Ph.D. by September 2019)
Specialization in Greek art and architecture, Byzantine art and architecture, or other ancient specialization.

Preferred Qualifications:
Access to an active archaeological project in Greece or Cyprus.
Ability to teach more broadly within art history curriculum
Academic experience with culturally diverse populations desired.
How To Apply:
Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Only electronic documents will be accepted. Please complete the on-line application in addition to providing the following required documents. All required documents must be submitted in order for your application to move forward. You may upload documents using Word or PDF

– A letter of interest describing qualifications and accomplishments
– A curriculum vitae
– Short (1-page) teaching philosophy statement
– Documents showing evidence of teaching effectiveness
– Short description of Scholarship plans and research capabilities
– Samples of scholarly or creative work (e.g. documents, video, etc.)
– Unofficial Graduate transcripts
– A list of three professional references (included in the application): Name, Organization, Email address and Telephone
– Minimum Education Required: PhD
– Required Documents: Curriculum Vitae, Evaluations, Letter of Interest, Research statement, Teaching Philosophy, Unofficial Transcripts

Please note:

All offers are contingent upon successful completion of background check.
Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodations in the application process should contact: Sharon Hunt, Recruitment Manager at 609-652-4384.
In accordance with the New Jersey First Act P.L. 2011 c.70, effective September 1, 2011, new public employees in certain positions (faculty exempt) are required to obtain New Jersey residency within one (1) year of employment. Applicants must meet the requirements listed.
Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Statistics Act (Clery Act), prospective employees may access Stockton’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) is available at . 
The ASFSR contains the previous three years of reported Clery Act crime statistics, fire safety information and information regarding campus and personal safety. If you would like a paper copy of the report, please visit the Stockton University Police Department, building 71, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway Township, NJ, or call 609-652-4390, to request that a copy be mailed to you.
Stockton University is an equal opportunity institution encouraging a diverse pool of applicants, visit: Additionally, pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Stockton University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (i.e., which includes but is not limited to the prohibition of sexual misconduct and relationship violence, including sexual assault and harassment) in all of its educational programs and activities.
Heckman Research Stipends, The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota.
15 April 2019 (for residencies between July and December 2019)            
Heckman Stipends, made possible by the A.A. Heckman Endowed Fund, are awarded semi-annually. Up to 10 stipends in amounts up to $2,000 are available each year. Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John’s University, and costs related to duplication of HMML’s microfilm or digital resources (up to $250). The Stipend may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML Stipend or Fellowship. Holders of the Stipend must wait at least two years before applying again. 
The program is specifically intended to help scholars who have not yet established themselves professionally and whose research cannot progress satisfactorily without consulting materials to be found in the collections of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library.
Applications must be submitted by April 15 for residencies between July and December of the same year, or by November 15 for residencies between January and June of the following year.
Applicants are asked to provide:
  • a letter of application with current contact information, the title of the project, length of the proposed residency at HMML and its projected dates, and the amount requested (up to $2,000)
  • a description of the project to be pursued, with an explanation of how HMML’s resources are essential to its successful completion of the project; applicants are advised to be as specific as possible about which resources will be needed (maximum length: 1,000 words)
  • an updated curriculum vitae
  • a confidential letter of recommendation to be sent directly to HMML by an advisor, thesis director, mentor, or, in the case of postdoctoral candidates, a colleague who is a good judge of the applicant’s work
Please send all materials as email attachments to:, with “Heckman Stipend” in the subject line. Questions about the Stipends may be sent to the same address.

Calls for Papers

5th International Scientific Conference “Byzantine Studies in Georgia”

We are pleased to announce  that based on the joint decision of the Georgian National Committee of Byzantine Studies, Department of Byzantine Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Ilia State University, Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of Ivane Javakhishvili State University and Faculty of Humanities of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, the 5th International Scientific Conference “Byzantine Studies in Georgia” will be held on the 11-14th of  October 2019 in  Batumi. The main theme of the Conference is defined as follows: “The Black Sea and the Black Sea Region Countries – the Crossroads of Cultures and Civilizations in the 4th –15th Centuries” 

Topics within the theme of Byzantine Studies are not limited. Sessions will be held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University on the 11-13th of October 2019.

Participants of the conference will enjoy the opportunity to visit Batumi’s museums and exhibitions, such as Archeological and Art Museums, get introduced to the architectural monuments of the Antique, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine periods in Batumi and its vicinity (Petra-Tsikhisdziri and Gonio-Apsarosi Museum-Reserves). The excursion to Trabzon and Sumela Monastery Complex is scheduled on October 14th, 2019.   

In order to ensure proper organization of the conference, including funding, we kindly ask you to send the filled application form and theses in English (max. 300 words, font- Sylfaen, size- 12) by 5 April 2019 at

Detailed information about registration and other costs will be provided later upon acceptance of your theses and application forms.   


For further details please contact: 


Doctor of History Erekle Jordania 

President of the Georgian National Committee of the AIEB, Associated Professor of the Department of History of Middle Ages of the Faculty of History at Lomonosov Moscow State University;



Doctor of Philology Neli Makharadze

Head of the Department of Byzantine Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Ilia State University; 



Professor Tina Dolidze

Director of the Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of Ivane Javakhishvili State University; 



Professor Marine Giorgadze

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University;



Conference Organizing Committee 

Call for Papers: Second International Conference “Georgia-Byzantium-Christian East”
Dates: 18-20 June, 2019 (1/3 M. Aleksidze. Tbilisi, Georgia)

Further information can be found here.

International Medieval Conference, University of Leeds 2020
From 2015 the SPBS has made available £500 to support a Byzantine panel at the IMCL. Applications for Leeds IMC should be submitted by 1 September of the preceding year (e.g. 1 September 2019 for Leeds IMC 2020). Proposals should include: • Title of the proposed session • Short session abstract (100 words) • Moderator name and academic affiliation
• For each of the three papers: name of presenter, academic affiliation, proposed title, 100 word abstract The proposal chosen by the Development Committee can then be submitted by organisers of the panel in time for consideration at Leeds. Note that applicants must be members of the Society. Any questions should be addressed to: Dr Archie Dunn (
BUENOS AIRES, 29-30.08.2019
Pablo Adrian Cavallero (  
« Narration in Byzantium: Synchronic and Diachronic Narratological Perspectives », 3rd Byzantine Colloquium of the University of Buenos Aires, 29-30 August 2019, Section of Medieval Philology – Institute of Classical Philology, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires.
The last years have witnessed a surge of narratological studies focusing on the vast Byzantine literary and artistic production, a recent example being the volume Storytelling in Byzantium. Narratological Approaches to Byzantine Texts and Images (ed. Ch. Messis – M. Mullett – I. Nilsson). Today, Byzantinists apply sophisticated narratological techniques not only to narrative texts, but also to images and, in line with M. Fludernik’s theory, to non-narrative texts. A common language and a shared theoretical framework would be instrumental in making Byzantine narratological studies more unitary, in fostering the transdisciplinary dialogue with other fields of research, such as Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and in popularizing it among wider audiences.
In that context, the present colloquium wishes to provide Byzantinists and specialists in other disciplines with a forum of discussion and reflection on the narratological tools applied to their respective corpora, in order to conceptualize the specificity (or absence thereof) of Byzantine narration, from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, and to compare it, utilizing well-stablished and shared analytical categories, with other literary and artistic productions, contemporary or not.

We invite 20-minute papers on any topic pertinent to narrative in Byzantium in the widest sense. Please send your abstract no later than May 31, 2019
to and
Abstracts should 1000 characters or less (blank spaces included, but not counting bibliographical references), and should clearly state the hypothesis, goals and (expected) conclusions of the presentation.
Attendance of the conference will amount to 30 US dollars (500 dollars for Agentina residents; 400 dollars for members of SAEMED, AADEC or CAEBIZ). For students, doctoral students and research assistants, attendance is free.
Papers must be sent no later than July 19, 2019. 8 pp. Palatino Linotype 11; space between lines: 1, 1/2 Margins: 2 cm


The editorial board of Scrinium. Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography (, and Kirillo-Belozerky Federal State Museum ( are excited to announce the international conference « Liturgy as Practice, Space, and Theory in Eastern Christianities » and invite you to participate. The conference is to be held at the historic premises of Kirillov Museum in on 1-4 October 2019.
Liturgical and para-liturgical practices are in the focus of discussion during the planned conference. Possible presentations, however, are not limited to (para)liturgical rites narrowly defined sense, and can involve cultic architecture, art, and their spaces as directly connected to liturgy and prayer; ascetical practices, and theological reflection on prayer and asceticism.
Conference venue is unique, located as it is at the heart of the Russian « Northern Thebaid ». It is a region where the Russian medieval hesychast movement led by St Nilus of Sora (+ 1508) emerged and developed. It is also the place where fascinating medieval Russian icons are preserved and exhibited at the Kirillo-Belozersky museum and its branches. Special mention among the invaluable assets of the museum deserves a UNESCO site Ferapontovo with the extraordinary frescoes by Dionysius (1502), also a branch of Kirillov museum.
At the current stage, we would much appreciate early expressions of interests in participation; please send those at A more formal call for papers will follow soon, alongside submission and travel details.
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic StudiesCenter for Hellenic Studies, Podgorica, Montenegro.

Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies is an international peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, devoted to the study of Hellenic culture and civilization from antiquity to the present, featuring high-quality research articles and book reviews in all areas of Hellenic studies: philosophy, religion, archaeology, history, law, politics, literature, philology, art.
High quality contributions – regardless of tradition, school of thought or disciplinary background – are welcome. The editorial board equally values disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. The highest editorial standard is ensured by the international character and disciplinary expertise of the editorial board.
Akropolis is published annually by the Center for Hellenic Studies, based in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Papers in all fields of Hellenic studies and dealing with all periods of Greek culture and civilization, as well as comparative studies, are welcome. All submissions will go through a double-blind review process.
Please submit your paper through the online system, following the instructions.  
Alternatively, please send your paper via email.


  New Research Projects

History of the Russian Saint Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos

This long-term project is developing by the Institute of the Athos History (Moscow) researchers, who have devoted many years to the study of historical ties between Russia and Athos. The basis of the study is research of the unique documents of Athos monasteries, Russian and foreign archives. At present, the first stage of the study is completed: «A History of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos from ancient times to 1735». Current results of this stage were published in four parts:

I. Chronological representation of the history of Rossikon (2015) – ISBN 978-5-9906769-6-1

II. Rossikon’s prayer life and the world (2019) – ISBN 978-5-6041972-8-8

III. Thousand-year experience of Rossikon’s monastic life (2019) – ISBN 978-5-6041972-9-5

IV. Corpus of the epistolary heritage of Rossikon (2018) – ISBN 978-5-9906769-7-8

New stage “The History of St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos from 1735 to 1912” begin now.

For further information:

Acts of notaries, drawn up in the cities of the Black Sea region 

International research project developing in productive cooperation between scientific team from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, headed by academician Sergey Karpov, and Italian colleagues, professors from the universities of Genoa and Turin: Alfonso Assini, Enrico Basso, M.G. Alvaro and Laura Balletto. The project explored unique sources that allow to highlighting different aspects of the history of the cities of Crimea and adjacent areas in this era.

Within the project scope, the following monograph was published: The acts of the Genoese notaries, drawn up in Kaffa and in other cities of the Black Sea region in the XIV-XV centuries. / edited by S.P. Karpov; compiled by M.G. Alvaro, A. Assini, L. Balletto, E. Basso. St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2018. 760 p. [Black Sea in the Middle Ages. Vol. X] ISBN: 978-5-907030-13-8

This book includes notaries’ acts in Latin, with detailed registers and comments in Russian and Italian. Many documents from the State Archive of Genoa are published for the first time.

(In collaboration with Johannes Preiser-Kapeller)

New Project: Late Byzantine Poetry from 1204 to the End of the Empire

Austrian Academy of Sciences, funded by the Austrian Science Funds FWF, project leader Krystina Kubina

The late Byzantine period (c. 1204 to the middle of the 15th century) saw an age of radical political change from a unified empire to several single polities, as well as socioeconomic and military crises. At the same time, cultural life experienced a flourishing of the arts, architecture and literature. Poetry has survived from all regions dominated by Byzantine culture over the whole 250-year time span. Even though there has been a growing academic interest in Byzantine poetry in general, the late period is largely unexplored. If at all, there have been studies on single authors and texts, but no attempt has been made to understand the poetry of late Byzantium in its various cultural and social contexts. This project aims to fill this gap by highlighting trends and developments in late poetry, while doing justice to the nature of poetry as a ubiquitous means of cultural expression and identity-building in Byzantium.
New Project: A Narratological Commentary on Digenis Akritis

The project is funded by the Czech Grant Foundation and has started at the Masaryk University in Brno in January 2019. Its duration is 3 years and main output will be a book-length narratological commentary on the only extent Byzantine epos.

Team members: Markéta Kulhánková, Ondřej Cikán
More information can be found on the project website.
New Project: Bessarion’s contribution to the processes of dissemination of Byzantine cultural heritage in the West during the late 15th century

The project focuses on the main philosophical work of Bessarion (1408-1472), the « In Calumniatorem Platonis » (ICP). The primary objective is to prepare and publish a full critical edition of both Greek and Latin versions of all six books of the ICP. The project also aims to paint a comprehensive picture of the efforts of Bessarion and members of his scholarly circle to explain the value of Byzantine cultural heritage for the West to a learned audience in Italy during the late 15th century. The project is financed through the Heisenberg Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted by the Institute of Byzantine Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany.
Initiator of the project and principal investigator is PD Dr. Sergei Mariev.
More information can be found on the project website.
New project: Johannes Zacharias Aktuarios, Περὶ ἐνεργειῶν καὶ παθῶν τοῦ ψυχικοῦ πνεύματος καὶ τῆς κατ᾽ αὐτὸ διαίτης λόγοι β´: critical edition and medical-historical analysis

The aim of this research project is the preparation of a comprehensive critical edition of the bipartite treatise on the ψυχικὸν πνεῦμα of the Byzantine physician, scholar and actuarius John Zacharias (about 1275-1328). The edition will also comprise a German translation and will attempt to situate the treatise within the broader context of the reception of medical Gebrauchsliteratur. The Greek text of the treatise is transmitted in about 33 manuscripts that date mainly between the 14th and 16th centuries. One of the main purposes of this research project is the editorial elaboration of the individual redactions of this treatise with an aim to provide an adequate methodical illustration of the specific nature of medical texts that had been destined for practical use in Byzantium. Together with the critical edition of John Zacharias’ treatise a revised and supplemented edition of the middle Byzantine treatise Περὶ τῆς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου κατασκευῆς, which has survived under the name of a Theophilos (Protospatharios?), will be prepared, especially considering its function as an important source for John Zacharias.

More information can be found on the project website.
New Project: The Cult of Saints – A research project on the Cult of Saints from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

At the centre of the project is a searchable database on which all the early evidence for the cult of the saints is being collected, whether in Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Greek, Latin or Syriac, with summaries of long texts and full quotation of key passages, both in the original language and in English translation.  Every piece of evidence will be accompanied by a brief discussion, considering issues such as its dating and the details of cult that it reveals.  This database will be fully searchable, making it simple to access all the evidence for the early cult of a single saint, such as Martin of Tours, or to narrow the search down – for instance, to evidence for churches dedicated to Martin in 6th-century Italy.  It will also be possible to narrow searches to specific types of evidence (for instance, images only), or to specific cult practices (such as the creation of contact relics or the practice of incubation, sleeping at a shrine in the hope of a dream-vision).

New project: Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World
The project “Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World” is funded within the programme “Digital Humanities: Langzeitprojekte zum kulturellen Erbe” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences for the duration of four years (PI: Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović, 2015–2018). It is hosted at the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO) of the same Academy and unites as a cluster project various experts from the fields of Medieval History, Byzantine Studies, Historical Geography, Archaeology, Geography, Cartography, Geographical Information Science (GISc) and Software Engineering. DPP focuses on the depiction and analysis of space and place in medieval written sources, the interaction between built and natural environment, the appropriation of space and the emergence of new political, religious and economic structures of power. Moreover, DPP is a cutting edge project within Digital Humanities and uses as well as develops digital tools for data-acquisition, data-management, processing as well as for analysis, visualisation, communication and publication. 

BYZART – Byzantine Art and Archaeology Thematic Channel for Europeana
On 1st October 2017, the « BYZART – Byzantine Art and Archaeology Thematic Channel » project was launched. Coordinated by the University of Bologna (prof. Isabella Baldini), it aims at making about 75.000 cultural and artistic multimedia contents accessible online through the Europeana Platform. The contents that will be made available to Europeana include collections of digitized photos, video and audio contents, as well as 3D surveys and reconstructions about Byzantine history and culture, one of the milestones of European cultural heritage. The digital objects will be available at the best possible quality and according to the Europeana Right Statements. Moreover, the action will enhance Europeana accessibility and visibility, by rationalising and classifying the items already uploaded on the platform. By the end of the action, the number of the digital items related to Byzantine art and archaeology on Europeana platform will reach about 115.500.
Partner institutions of the project are the Ionian University of Kerkyra, the Open University of Cyprus, the Institute of Art Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, the International Mosaic Documentation Centre of the Ravenna’s Art Museum.
On 31th October, 2107, the kick-off meeting of the project took place at the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna.
The project is co-financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility with a grant of 425.827 euros.

Cooperation among scientific institutions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and research institutions of the Church of Greece and Cyprus

An Anniversary Jubilee Conference on the occasion of 50 years of the Patriarchal Institute of Patristic Studies took place at the Amphitheater of the Foundation (Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Blatadon) in Thessaloniki. A memorandum for the establishment of a network regarding the cooperation among scientific institutions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and research institutions of the Church of Greece and Cyprus focusing on Byzantine culture was signed during the Conference. Among these institutions are the Foundation for Research and Technology in Crete, the Mount Athos Center (Hagioritiki Hestia), the Ecclesiastical Center for Historical and Cultural Studies of the Holy Metropolis of Samos and Ikaria, the Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Orthodox Theology (in Chambesy, Geneva), “Patriarch Athenagoras” Orthodox Institute (Berkeley, USA) and Bolos Academy for Theological Studies. The Cypriot institution, which signed the Memorandum were the World Forum for Religions and Cultures of the Holy Kykkos Monastery in Lefkosia and «St. Epiphanios» Cultural Academy of the Holy Metropolis of Konstantia and Ammochostos.

For further information:

New Digital Tools and Databases

(in collaboration with Johannes Preiser-Kapeller)

Launch of The Polonsky Foundation Pre-1200 Project
Today we are celebrating with our esteemed colleagues from the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Together we have digitised and re-catalogued 800 medieval manuscripts from England and France. We have also created two bilingual web resources making these manuscripts available freely and interpreting their significance.
In the summer of 2016 we began the The Polonsky Foundation England and France Project: Manuscripts from the British Library and the Bibliothèque nationale de France, 700-1200. The project was funded by The Polonsky Foundation, which is committed to promoting access to and dissemination of cultural heritage.  
This project brings together riches of these great institutions and makes them available to researchers and the wider public in innovative and attractive ways, benefiting from the extraordinary opportunities opened up by the technological advances of digitisation.
Our Foundation promotes the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage, and is proud to support this collaboration, which continues the cultural exchange and profound mutual influence that have characterised the history of these two nations over many centuries.”
Dr Leonard S. Polonsky CBE, Founding Chairman, The Polonsky Foundation
For more information:
Dumbarton Oaks Papers articles
Dumbarton Oaks is pleased to announce the release of bibliographic data for its annual journal, Dumbarton Oaks Papers. A comprehensive list of all articles is now maintained in a public Zotero group, upon which PDF versions are available, as follows:
·         All DOP articles by author
·         All DOP articles by volume (most recent first)
·         All DOP articles by subject then…
·         …by author
·         …by volume
These resources will be updated periodically. Comments and corrections may be sent to
Joel Kalvesmaki
Editor in Byzantine Studies
Dumbarton Oaks

Bibliothèque byzantine – Byzantinische Bibliographie Online (BBO)
Chères et chers collègues,
Une nouvelle actualité de notre bibliothèque : nous avons acquis ces derniers jours la Byzantinische Bibliographie Online (BBO). Il s’agit, pour mémoire, d’une base de données en ligne regroupant de manière thématique les références bibliographiques recensées par la Byzantinische Zeitschrift depuis 2005. Nous paierons chaque année pour obtenir les mises à jour de cette base très importante pour nous tous.
L’accès se fait via notre portail Omnia (lien sous ma signature).
Trois cas de figure :
– Vous êtes présents physiquement sur les sites du Collège de France (personnel, chercheurs, ou lecteurs y compris connectés en wifi) : il suffit de se rendre sur Omnia, de chercher la base de données (ou lien direct ici), de cliquer sur Ressource en ligne, et vous serez automatiquement reconnu-e comme provenant du Collège. L’accès se fera donc sans aucune authentification.
– Vous disposez d’une adresse mail et vous n’êtes pas sur place : vous pouvez vous connecter à la base de la même façon, via Omnia, mais votre identifiant vous sera demandé. Il s’agit du même identifiant que celui qui vous sert à consulter l’intranet du Collège de France ( : possibilité de récupérer son mot de passe grâce au bouton « mot de passe perdu »)
– Pour les lecteurs extérieurs, l’accès distant n’est pas encore possible. Nous vous ferons signe dès que ce sera le cas.
Merci de faire diffuser cette information à toute personne susceptible d’être intéressée par la BBO.
Bien à vous,
Guillaume Lebailly

Archives de Thomas Whittemore (1871-1950)
Après des années de travail des équipes de la Bibliothèque byzantine et du Service des Archives du Collège de France, nous venons de mettre en ligne sur Salamandre les archives de Thomas Whittemore (1871-1950), fondateur de notre bibliothèque, et philanthrope bien connu pour son rôle dans la préservation des mosaïques de Sainte-Sophie.
Attachée à l’inventaire détaillé de l’ensemble du fonds, en version anglaise, vous trouverez une sélection numérisée en haute définition de plusieurs centaines de documents d’archives, correspondances et photographies de ses diverses missions des années 1890-1950 (Constantinople, Egypte, Grèce, Athos, etc.). Ces ressources sont complémentaires de celles conservées à Dumbarton Oaks, et pourront donner lieu à de nombreuses initiatives de valorisation, encore à imaginer.
Pour les archives elles-mêmes, consultables en déployant l’arborescence située dans la marge de gauche de la page, voir ici :
Pour un article général de présentation, rédigé en 2017 par Rona Razon, voir ici :
Online Historical Atlas “Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium” and Hist-Geo Newsletter
The Long-Term Project “Tabula Imperii Byzantini (in the following: TIB)” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research; in Vienna creates, develops and upkeeps the online atlas “Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium”. The TIB is the nationally and internationally leading project on Historical Geography, Mapping and Geocommunication of the Byzantine World.
“Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium” is based on the profound analogue data, which is researched and published by the project leaders of the TIB, namely Prof. Dr. Andreas Külzer and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović, and their junior scholars ( in printed TIB-volumes with maps at the scale 1 : 800,000.
Parts from the large pool of the rich analogue data of the TIB are extracted in order to address new scholarly questions and methods. Therefore, analogue data sets of the TIB are embedded into the backend of “Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium”, which is an OpenAtlas Database (
The aforesaid new scholarly questions and methods include the academic fields of Byzantine and Medieval Studies, Global and Migration Studies, Historical Geography and Cartography, GIS and Geocommunication and their respective visualisation tools. These groundbreaking research questions are addressed both by the excellently evaluated TIB itself as well as by its innovative sub-projects (;
The frontend of “Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium” is the TIB MapViewer, which is visualising our data and results and will be freely accessible online starting with April 2019.
The academia as well as the interested public are warmly encouraged to query the respective TIB data and to engage in our discourse on the Mapping of Byzantium.
Please feel free to follow our scholarly results, visualisations and releases on the homepage, which are based on the fields of Byzantine and Medieval Studies, Global and Migration Studies, Historical Geography and Cartography, GIS and Geocommunication.
Moreover, the TIB will succeed the DPP Newsletter and launch its successor, namely a Newsletter called the « HistGeo-Newsletter », with its first issue due in March 2019. This « HistGeo-Newsletter » will include news and reports from the fields of Mapping, Digital Mapping, Historical Atlases and of Historical Geography of the Byzantine Commonwealth. Contributors will be – apart from the TIB – especially members of the Commission for the Historical Geography and Spatial Analysis of Byzantium at the Association Internationale des Etudes Byzantines (AIEB;
If you have registered for the DPP Newsletter, you will continue to receive the new HistGeo-Newsletter in 2019. Please feel free to consult also our DPP homepage ( in order to subscribe or unsubscribe to the DPP Newsletter and its successor, which is in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (
Professor Dr. Andreas Külzer (TIB / Asia Minor) and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović (TIB / Balkans)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Medieval Research
Division of Byzantine Research
Hollandstraße 11-13 / 4th floor
1020 Vienna,
Austria, Europe

The ACOR Photo Archive:  <>
The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, Jordan, is proud to share its new web-based photo archive that features close to 10,000 high-resolution digital images of cultural heritage sites from Jordan and the surrounding region. The online archive, being developed with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, includes spectacular images of hundreds of sites in Jordan, Syria, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia taken by renowned author and photographer Jane Taylor, as well as a growing collection of photographs of Jordan by famed journalist (and archaeological enthusiast) Rami Khouri. Other recently added collections include photographs by Linda K. Jacobs and Charles Wilson.
In coming years, the archive will continue to grow as new collections from ACOR’s rich archival holdings are digitized and made available. To search the ACOR Photo Archive, please visit: You can also follow @acorarchives onInstagram.
All images presented online through our database are intended for open access, and are free to use for research and academic purposes. For image requests and permissions for publication please consult our online guidelines: <>.
To learn more about the Photo Archive project or how to obtain high-resolution images, please email
ACOR is a non‑profit academic institution dedicated to promoting research and publication in the humanities and social sciences, with a particular focus on issues related to Jordan but also encompassing the broader Middle East. ACOR facilitates research by postgraduate researchers and senior scholars and assists in the training of specialists who focus on all phases of Jordan’s past and present. To learn more, please visit or email

The Serres Gospels goes online
In this spectacular portrait, Jacob, bishop of Serres (b. 1300, d. 1365), humbly presents his Gospel-book to Christ. He is shown at the end of a copy of the Four Gospels in Old Church Slavonic, known as the Serres Gospels. This book is now completely digitised, and is available to view online on the British Library’s Digitised Manuscripts site.

Sinai Palimpsests Project
The UCLA Library has released the Sinai Palimpsests Project database.
Additional information can be found here.

Als einzige existierende Fachbibliographie fuer alle Disziplinen der Byzantinistik ist die Byzantinische Bibliographie ein unabdingbares und konkurrenzloses Hilfsmittel fuer Byzantinisten, Historiker, Mediaevisten, Theologen sowie Graezisten. Der Datenbestand ist nun erstmals auch online verfuegbar.
Die Byzantinische Bibliographie Online enthaelt die bibliographische Abteilung der Byzantinischen Zeitschrift von Band 98 (2005) bis heute. Sie umfasst insgesamt circa 30 000 Eintraege. Etwa 4 000 Eintraege kommen jaehrlich neu hinzu.
Die Benutzeroberflaeche bietet einen bequemen Zugriff auf die bibliographischen Daten und vielseitige Recherchemoeglichkeiten nach verschiedenen Suchkriterien. Die Eintraege sind systematisch nach Sachgruppen erschlossen und durch Kurzreferate und Hinweise auf Rezensionen angereichert.
Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek hat die Datenbank seit kurzem lizenziert.
Fuer weitere Informationen:

Electronic Resource: International Network for Byzantine Philosophy. For further information, please click

New digital tools: PBW 2016

A full account of the sources studied, together with the names of the scholars responsible, will be found here; this also serves as an index of the coverage of the project, which is a prosopographical reading of Byzantine Sources, 1025-1180. In this new edition materials have been added and enhanced, principally for the 12th century; the most significant additions are from further work on William of Tyre and Nicetas Choniates, and substantial new materials from the Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir. Such an undertaking can never be complete, as new discoveries are constantly being made; while PBW should be examined for what it contains, it should never be assumed that what it does not contain does not exist.
This edition is the work of Michael Jeffreys. The redesign and updating of the site are by Elliott Hall and Charlotte Roueché; external links have been added by Roueché.
The full bibliographic description is M. Jeffreys et al., Prosopography of the Byzantine World, 2016 (King’s College London, 2017) available at  ISBN: 978-1-908951-20-5. The standard abbreviation is PBW (2016).
Users are encouraged to publish the permalinks provided for each individual on person pages so:
PBW (2016) Leon 20224,
The 2011 edition of the Prosopography of the Byzantine World can still be consulted here

The project has developed over many years, with the help of scholars cited on the Sources and Seals bibliography pages, and many other friends; the overarching direction and edition, from 2000 to 2016, has been the work of Michael Jeffreys. See further under About.
The work has received generous funding over the years from the AHRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the A.G. Leventis Foundation. The entire project depends on the vision, oversight and support of the British Academy.

New digital tools: The Seshat Global History Databank

The Seshat Global History Databank is a joint project of historians, archaeologist, social scientists, evolutionary biologists and mathematicians from all over the worlds, hosted mainly at the University of Connecticut and Oxford University. The aim of the project, which was developed under the leadership of Peter Turchin, is the collection of comprehensive data on the scale and complexity of past societies, including aspects of politics, economy, military, religion and literature. Currently, the database contains data on ca. 400 societies from all periods and regions with a total of more than 200,000 data entries. The database also includes data on the Byzantine Empire, which was created in collaboration with the Division of Byzantine Research at the Austrian Academy (J. Preiser-Kapeller). The data will be made freely accessible soon; at the same time, first analytical studies on the basis of the enormous amount of data have been published, integrating also Byzantium in this wide scale comparative enterprise.

After years of development the Medieval Academy of America’s Database of Medieval Digital Resources has been launched., It is a curated WordPress database of peer-reviewed online resources for the study of the Middle Ages. More information here:

Extra Opportunities: Some Funding Bodies

(by Dionysios Stathakopoulos)


The Foundation committees meet twice a year to consider the applications and decide on funding grants. The application deadline for the Foundation committees autumn meeting in 2018 is 13 June, 2018. Applications have to be in the Foundation’s office by this day. The Foundation committees are holding their meeting in November 2018. If your application is successful, funding can start at the beginning of December 2018 at the very earliest.


Become a Humboldtian – Sponsorship Programmes for Postdoctoral Scientists and Scholars
We promote academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from abroad and from Germany. Whether you are a young postdoctoral researcher at the beginning of your academic career, an experienced, established academic, or even a world authority in your discipline – our research fellowships and research awards offer you sponsorship tailored to you and to your career situation.
If you would like to become a member of the Humboldt Family, only one thing counts:
your own excellent performance.


International grants, scholarships and exchange programs
In many cases comparison of experience and cooperation between scholars proves to be helpful in stimulating further development in most fields of research. This goes for the work of experienced university teachers as well as junior scholars.
The Foundation is flexible in applying the financial resources required, can also help include foreign scholars in project cooperation and supports many projects in which German and foreign scholars work together. Targeted support of international exchange between junior scholars also promotes international cooperation in the same manner, helping preserve or intensify close ties between experts.
International grants, scholarships and exchange programs of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation that are ongoing at present are listed in the following. Applications may only be submitted directly to the respective institutions.


Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term predoctoral residencies to advanced graduate students. A program of project grants primarily supports archaeological research, as well as materials analysis and photographic surveys of objects and monuments. Summer schools and workshops bring together students for in-depth study of languages, material culture, and theory.



In 1995 the Foundation established an annual program of grants and scholarships for research, study and artistic endeavour within Greece. The educational program is intended exclusively for non-Greeks: members of national academies, university professors of all levels, PhD holders, post-doctorate researchers and doctoral candidates. Exceptionally and on a case-by-case basis, the program may accept Greeks of the Diaspora, second generation Greeks, and Greeks who permanently reside abroad and have been studying or have been employed in foreign Universities for over 10 or 15 years, depending on the type of scholarship.
The program also includes Cypriot citizens, who have studied and reside outside Greece, and are members of National Academies, University professors of all levels –doctorate holders and post-doctorate researchers– as well as distinguished artists.
Over the two decades of its operation, the Foreigner’s Fellowships program went through successive phases in order to meet the standards of a dynamic and interdisciplinary project.  The Program aims at promoting Greek language, history and culture abroad, thereby creating and encouraging ties of friendship and cooperation between members of the foreign academic community and their Greek counterparts. The selection of scholarships for foreigners or research grant recipients is based on the positive reviews of the Academic Advisors Committees of the Foundation and is validated by the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
The said Committees comprise University Professors (some of which are also former scholars of the Foundation), specialized scientists and renowned artists, whose participation and contribution are both honorary and voluntary. Former scholars of the Onassis Foundation, who now occupy academic posts, also offer their voluntary contribution.
The grantees and scholarship recipients of this Program since the beginning of its operation, come from 65 countries: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Congo, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,  Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Latvia,  Lithuania, Mexico, Moldavia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, S. Korea, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, S. Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, The Netherlands, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, U.S.A., Uzbekistan, Venezuela.
The number of scholarships awarded by the Foundation to foreigners varies from year to year. On average, 35 scholarships are awarded annually. During the 21 years of the Program’s operation (1995 – 2016), 853 research grants and educational scholarships have been awarded, amounting to $11.041.986.
The 24th Onassis Fellowships Program for International Scholars for the academic year 2018-19, with due-date February 28, 2018, will be announced in mid-December 2017, please check here:
For further information, contact the Onassis Fellowships Program for International Scholars: +30 210 37 13 018, E-mail:


The Foundation’s Educational Grants Scheme is an annual programme of grants intended for postgraduate and doctoral students. Post-doctoral research and distance-learning studies are not included. 
Applications by undergraduates who have not obtained their first university degree by the 31st of March will not be considered.  Grants are not offered retrospectively.
Applications should be completed in English.
The online application system will be open for New applications from 1 until 31 March. Renewal applications must be submitted between 1 and 30 April.
For more information please check here:

Opportunities for Scholars at Dumbarton Oaks

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an institute in Washington, D.C., administered by the Trustees for Harvard University. It supports research and learning internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, internships, meetings, and exhibitions.

Fellowships are awarded to Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian scholars on the basis of demonstrated scholarly ability and preparation of the candidate, including knowledge of the requisite languages, interest and value of the study or project, and the project’s relevance to the resources of Dumbarton Oaks. We place great value on the collegial engagement of fellows with one another and with the staff.

Application and instructions are available online. The application deadline is November 1.

Fellowships are awarded to scholars who hold a PhD or appropriate final degree, or who have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.

Junior Fellowships are awarded to degree candidates who at the time of application have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD or appropriate final degree, and plan to work on a dissertation or final project while at Dumbarton Oaks, under the direction of a faculty member from their own university.

Summer Fellowships in Pre-Columbian and Byzantine studies are awarded to scholars on any level beyond the first year of graduate (postbaccalaureate) study.

Additional Research Opportunities
One-Month Research Awards support scholars with a PhD or other relevant final degree who are working on research projects that require use of Dumbarton Oaks’ books, objects, or other library or museum materials. Application deadlines: October 1 & March 1
Project Grants support scholarly projects by applicants holding a PhD or the equivalent. Support is generally for archaeological research, preservation of historic gardens, and the recovery, recording, and analysis of materials that would otherwise be lost. Application deadline: November 1

Short-Term Predoctoral Residencies support advanced graduate students preparing for their PhD general exams, writing doctoral dissertations, or expecting relevant final degrees. Each residency provides up to four weeks of lodging and weekday lunches. Applications must be submitted at least sixty days before the preferred residency dates.

More information is available on the website of Dumbarton Oaks.

Submission Instructions and Deadline


To submit news and information to the Newsletter, please use the submission form on the website of the AIEB at the following address: You are kindly requested to fill in the form that is found under the tab “Share your news”. The field “Subject” is intended for a short title of your submission (e.g. Call for Papers or Conference Title). The field “Message” should be used for the body of your message and contain all the information that you would like to see in the next issue of the Newsletter. PLEASE NOTE that  the submissions via email to the editors may be ignored.

The next issue of the Newsletter will appear on April 22, 2019. We will be able to consider submissions that reach the editors by 16:00 (Central European Time) of the 19th of April 2019. Submissions that reach us after this deadline will be considered for publication in the following issue of the Newsletter.

Règlement intérieur

Rittratto di Constantinopoli hora stanza del Turco, XIXe s. © IFEB
Plaque de diptyque, 2e moitié du VIe s. © Musée du Louvre, Département des Objets d'art du Moyen Âge, de la Renaissance et des temps modernes
Moskva, GIM, Sinod. gr. 204, av. 1423 © GIM
Église d'Hosios Loukas, Phocide, Grèce © OD
Exposition Universelle de Paris de 1889, Maison byzantine © Bibliothèque nationale de France
Église de Brad, Syrie, 6e s. © WK
Jean-Paul Laurens, Saint Jean Chrysostome et l'Impératrice Eudoxie, 1893 © Musée des Augustins, Toulouse
Shën Mërisë në Spile, Albanie, 17e s. © OD
Teodora, 1921 © The Illustrated London News, 18/3/1922

Règlement intérieur

(voté en Assemblée générale le samedi 10 février 2018)

Conformément à l’article 10 des Statuts du Comité français des études Byzantines (CFEB), un règlement intérieur du Comité a été rédigé par le Bureau et soumis à l’approbation de l’Assemblée générale annuelle, lors de sa réunion du 10 février 2018. Le présent Règlement intérieur est destiné à préciser certains articles des Statuts et le fonctionnement du Comité. Il suit l’ordre des articles des Statuts.

Art. 1. Le titre 3 des Statuts du CFEB est précisé par les dispositions ci-après :

  • Tout candidat au statut de membre de plein droit doit en présenter la demande écriteau Bureau du CFEB au moins 15 jours avant l’Assemblée générale annuelle. Cette demande doit être soutenue par le parrainage écrit de deux membres du CFEB à jour de leurs cotisations.
  • Tout candidat au statut de membre de plein droit doit exercer ou avoir exercé dans des institutions de recherche, d’enseignement supérieur ou de conservation françaises, soit en France soit à l’étranger ; ou bien être titulaire d’une thèse, de l’équivalent d’une thèse, ou présenter des travaux de recherches sur le monde byzantin jugés suffisants par l’Assemblée générale.
  • Peut être admis en qualité d’associé correspondant toute personne remplissant les mêmes conditions et rattachée à une institution étrangère. Les candidats à ce statut doivent en présenter la demande écrite au Bureau du CFEB au moins 15 jours avant l’Assemblée générale annuelle. Cette demande doit être soutenue par le parrainage écrit de deux membres du CFEB à jour de leurs cotisations, et elle est soumise au vote à bulletin secret de l’Assemblée générale. Les membres correspondants ne paient pas de cotisation annuelle et ne disposent pas de droit de vote. En revanche, ils sont destinataires des informations diffusées par le Bureau du Comité. Leurs noms, titres et qualités figurent sur le site du Comité sous la rubrique « associés correspondants ».

Art. 2. Le titre 5 des Statuts du CFEB est précisé par les dispositions ci-après :

  • La convocation à l’Assemblée générale annuelle est accompagnée de l’ordre du jour, du compte rendu de l’Assemblée générale précédente et des bulletins pour les procurations. Toutefois, le Bureau se réserve le droit d’ajouter un point supplémentaire à l’ordre du jour de l’Assemblée générale au plus tard une semaine avant la date de la réunion et en en informant par courriel les membres du Comité.
  • L’Assemblée générale annuelle débute systématiquement par l’approbation du compte rendu de l’Assemblée générale précédente qui aura été rédigé par le Secrétaire et envoyé aux membres du Comité dans le mois suivant ladite précédente Assemblée, et à nouveau lors de la convocation à l’Assemblée générale suivante.
  • Une feuille de présence des membres est établie par le Secrétaire du Comité pour chaque Assemblée générale. Chaque membre présent et à jour de ses cotisations émarge sur la ligne qui porte son nom et indique, le cas échéant, les pouvoirs dont il dispose. Cette feuille, signée par le Président, sert ensuite au Secrétaire pour établir les présents et représentés à l’Assemblée générale pour le compte rendu de la réunion.
  • Les votes se font selon les règles de la majorité simple à main levée, sauf ceux concernant les personnes (élection au Bureau, vote sur les candidatures de nouveaux membres), qui se font à bulletin secret.
  • Le nombre des procurations est limité à deux par votant. Il n’est valide que lorsque la personne à qui est confiée la (ou les) procuration(s) ainsi que le votant sont à jour de leurs cotisations. En cas de surnombre, les pouvoirs nominatifs seront distribués aux membres présents et à jour de leurs cotisations.

Art. 3. Le titre 7 des Statuts du CFEB est précisé ainsi :

  • L’exercice financier se termine au 31 décembre de chaque année. Le compte rendu de l’exercice financier est soumis à l’approbation de l’Assemblée générale qui en suit la clôture. La consultation des pièces comptables peut être requise par tout membre à jour de ses cotisations qui le souhaite, en en formulant la demande écrite auprès du Trésorier dans les 30 jours qui suivent l’Assemblée générale. Le recouvrement des cotisations a lieu à partir du 1er janvier de l’année en cours. Le Trésorier fixe, en accord avec le Bureau, les modalités de paiement de la cotisation annuelle. Le Trésorier fait parvenir à chaque membre qui a payé sa cotisation un reçu faisant droit auprès de l’administration fiscale.

Art. 4. Le titre 8 des Statuts du CFEB est précisé par les dispositions ci-après :

  • Les membres du Bureau sont élus par l’Assemblée générale à la majorité absolue des suffrages exprimés.
  • Le Bureau est renouvelé dans son entier, sauf dispositions contraires ( tous les cinq ans. Les candidats au Bureau doivent faire part de leur candidature au Bureau sortant au moins 15 jours avant la date de l’Assemblée générale qui procèdera à l’élection. La liste des candidats au Bureau doit être transmise à l’ensemble des membres du Comité au moins une semaine avant la date de l’élection. Chaque membre du Bureau fait l’objet d’un scrutin nominal.
  • En cas de vacance de poste au Bureau, celui-ci pourvoit au remplacement provisoire du (ou des) membre(s) manquant(s), par cooptation au sein de l’ensemble des membres actifs du Comité. L’Assemblée générale suivante met fin à la vacance par l’élection d’un nouveau membre du Bureau. Le membre qui a assuré temporairement la fonction vacante peut se présenter à cette élection. Le mandat du nouveau membre du Bureau ainsi élu s’achève à la date d’expiration du mandat du membre remplacé.
  • Le Secrétaire diffuse aux membres à jour de leurs cotisations les informations et nouvelles que les membres du CFEB lui transmettent, pour autant que celles-ci concernent réellement les études byzantines (publications de postes, annonces de séminaires, conférences, colloques, journées d’études, appels à communication, parutions d’ouvrages…). Il peut refuser de diffuser une annonce qui n’est pas conforme à ce critère.

Art. 5. Le titre 10 des Statuts du CFEB est précisé par la disposition suivante :

  • Le présent règlement intérieur peut être modifié par l’Assemblée générale à la majorité simple des présents et représentés.

Statuts du Comité français des Études byzantines

Rittratto di Constantinopoli hora stanza del Turco, XIXe s. © IFEB
Plaque de diptyque, 2e moitié du VIe s. © Musée du Louvre, Département des Objets d'art du Moyen Âge, de la Renaissance et des temps modernes
Moskva, GIM, Sinod. gr. 204, av. 1423 © GIM
Église d'Hosios Loukas, Phocide, Grèce © OD
Exposition Universelle de Paris de 1889, Maison byzantine © Bibliothèque nationale de France
Église de Brad, Syrie, 6e s. © WK
Jean-Paul Laurens, Saint Jean Chrysostome et l'Impératrice Eudoxie, 1893 © Musée des Augustins, Toulouse
Shën Mërisë në Spile, Albanie, 17e s. © OD
Teodora, 1921 © The Illustrated London News, 18/3/1922

Statuts du Comité français des Études byzantines

Les présents statuts, votés par l’assemblée générale du 26 janvier 2008, annulent et remplacent les précédents statuts, datés du 18 janvier 1988.

§1. Le Comité Français d’Etudes byzantines est une association à but non lucratif régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901. Membre de l’Association internationale des Etudes byzantines, il a pour objet de promouvoir les études byzantines en France et leur rayonnement international. Il organise la participation française aux entreprises et congrès internationaux intéressant les études byzantines.

§2. Le siège de l’association est au Collège de France, 52 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris, dans les locaux de l’Institut d’Etudes byzantines. Il peut être déplacé par décision de l’assemblée générale.

§3. Les membres de l’association sont élus par l’assemblée générale à raison de leurs fonctions, de leurs titres, de leurs travaux, dans l’acception la plus large des études byzantines. Leur demande d’adhésion est appuyée par deux membres de l’association. L’élection a lieu au vote secret.

§4. Les membres retraités qui ne souhaitent pas rester membres actifs peuvent, sur leur demande, devenir membres honoraires, sans cotisation et sans droit de vote.

§5. L’assemblée générale ordinaire est réunie au moins une fois par an, sur convocation du bureau adressée au moins 21 jours à l’avance. Une assemblée générale extraordinaire peut être convoquée soit par le bureau, soit sur demande écrite de la majorité des membres de l’association ayant le droit de vote. N’ont le droit de vote que les membres de l’association à jour de leur cotisation. Le vote par procuration est admis. Les décisions sont prises à la majorité des présents et représentés.

§6. L’assemblée générale délibère et décide valablement lorsque la majorité des membres de l’association ayant le droit de vote sont présents ou représentés. Si ce quorum n’est pas atteint, l’assemblée générale est à nouveau convoquée entre 10 et 30 jours plus tard. Elle agit alors valablement quel que soit le nombre de membres présents ou représentés.

§7. La cotisation pour l’année en cours est exigible à partir du 1er janvier. Le montant de la cotisation pour l’année suivante est voté par l’assemblée générale sur proposition du bureau. Le bureau peut par dérogation réduire la cotisation d’un des membres.

§8. Le bureau de l’association se compose d’un président, un secrétaire et un trésorier. Chacun d’eux peut être assisté d’un suppléant élu par l’assemblée générale. Le président, le secrétaire et le trésorier sont élus par l’assemblée générale pour une période de cinq ans renouvelable. Le mandat du président n’est renouvelable qu’une fois.

§9. Le président représente l’association dans tous les actes de la vie civile, en particulier auprès des membres. Il la représente en justice tant en demande qu’en défense. Il ouvre les comptes courants bancaires au nom de l’association, ordonnance les dépenses, gère le patrimoine de l’association et peut déléguer en cette matière tout ou partie de ses pouvoirs au trésorier. Toutes les fonctions du bureau sont bénévoles, les frais pouvant être pris en charge sur présentation de justificatifs.

§10. Les modalités de fonctionnement de l’association peuvent être précisées par un règlement intérieur, voté par l’assemblée générale et au besoin modifié par elle.

§11. La modification des statuts ne peut être décidée que par une assemblée générale convoquée à cet effet, à la majorité des deux tiers des suffrages exprimés.

§12. La transformation de l’association, sa dissolution ou sa fusion avec une autre association, et la dévolution des fonds restants ne peuvent être décidées que par une assemblée générale convoquée à cet effet, à la majorité des deux tiers des présents et représentés.